演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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A great start to 2012

2012 has started off pretty well for me.  It has been all about endless eating and spending time with family…which I LOVE!!!  I finally accomplished what I had set out to accomplish in 2011 and I feel good about it.  Performing my own songs in front of people has been a big struggle for me .  First of all, sharing my own songs...that's personal...and, well...nobody likes to hear..."you're song sucks!"  ....and playing guitar in front of people is another struggle that I've started to overcome...my hands used to shake whenever I played in front of people...and I started to force myself to play in front of my family and friends....it's a little better now....anyways....my solution....don't care too much...yup!   It's that simple...The only way I'm going to improve in anything is if I don't care too much about what people think!  Because in the end, that is exactly what is going to prevent me from taking risks.  And everyone has to start somewhere...Of course, this is easier said than done....baby steps...baby steps...In the past, my biggest struggle had been...my weight and appreciating the figure that God gave me.  Unfortunately,  in Hong Kong, my sort of figure is not really appreciated...and living in Hong Kong....being told that I was fat....made me hate my body....and started my endless struggle with eating and trying to lose weight.  Luckily, I was able to finally decide to not care about what others thought about my body and enjoy eating and embrace my curves.  I think, just by thinking this way, my body has definitely been less of a yo yo and I've definitely been able to get past my eating disorder....My dad did make a comment this past week about my butt...and what sort of exercise could I do to make it smaller....my answer "I'd rather have a huge ass as opposed to no ass".  So...I'm a little better with handling the comments...and appreciating even the bigger parts of my body......I think Pole Dancing has definitely made me more comfortable with my body....I recommend it to all women who want to build their confidence.....Anyways....that will be my biggest new years resolution for 2012....to not care...and to take risks!  Of course, I do have a lot of other things on my list...and I hope to conquer them all!!!Happy New Year!  Here's a video of my song.... Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w7RZdlh8i-w&feature=share

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support Marsha! looking forward to 2012!
12 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007