Well....for the last 2 nights that I was in Long Gang, I was put into the show. I think each night got better and better....and I'm getting used to working with this cast. I got put into the bows the final night. And it has all just been such a tremendous experience learning things so quickly and then being thrown onto the stage. It's quite exciting! haha...Today I go back to Shanghai and will hopefully start to learn the rest of the routines. I don't know how much they will give me before opening night on the 5th..but, all I can say is that I'm a hard worker...and I'm going to make sure what they do give me...is PERFECT by show day.....oh, and I got a new camera so I'll try to take more photos with the cast!
最後兩晚在龍崗,我參加了[42街]的預演,我覺得自已每一晚都在 進步,而且我也習慣和這一組合一起工作了, 最後一個晚上他們也讓我參于了和觀眾行禮的行列中 ,我差不多等於是現買現賣,那兒才學呢,馬上就上台了 ,說實話我還挺興奮的,哈哈哈…
今天我回到上海,希望很快可以把整個第一幕舞步練熟了 ,我不知道自已在上海首演那天可以跳得怎麼樣,但是我可以保證自已 會非常賣力,而且一定盡最努力表現得最好…