Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Alice in Wonderland experience

Last week,  I performed with my close friends at the "Alice in Wonderland" showcase.  The event took place on Wed, June 6th at Bisous.  The student showcases have been sort of a yearly event organized by Aerial Arts Academy. ( AAA, founded by my teacher and friend Ania Przeplasko)   And this time around, I decided to choreograph a number and ask my good friends to join me in performing it.  I didn't have time to teach a weekly class for the showcase like all of the other instructors because I am in the middle of rehearsals for another project.   Although this experience was very fun, it also proved to be a different sort of stress.   I feel that as an artist I'm always told that I have to be confident and I'm not supposed to show my insecurities.  But, I'll tell you that being any sort of artist has that added pressure just because we need to pretend.  Like all of my issues and struggles in life, most of them have to do with some sort of insecurity.  Choreography is something that I only started to do when I began teaching Pole Dancing.  It's much easier to choreograph something for a class because it's not really for performance and you don't have to worry about the spacing on the stage or finishing a piece.  I took this task very seriously because it involved my 3 good friends and I wanted them to enjoy the experience.  Oh, and they all have taken dance classes since they were little....The first task was to put together some music.  The idea I had was for each person to have a small solo depending on the song.  I wanted each person's song to represent their personality or have some special meaning to them.  The next stage was to have a rehearsal and convince one of my girls to actually go through with it.  The first rehearsal was a success because it appeared that everyone was having a great time and that one girl seemed keen on doing it....We rehearsed about 7 times...and in the first 3 or 4 rehearsals I was still choreographing things.  Ok...so...here is the pressure part...I wanted my friends to like their choreography...so...I was a little stressed out because I was in rehearsals for the other project, recording some other projects, AND trying to figure out choreography for my regular classes each week.  So...I started to get some stomach pains because I felt a lot of stress...AND...I know that you can't always please everyone...but, I wanted each one of them to love the routine...So, there you have it...we finally got the routine done and started to work more on the performance.  I wanted each number to have a different emotion.  First number....bored....2nd number..."please take off my clothes"....3rd number scary/strange...4th number CHEESY!!!  And the 5th number ATTITUDE!!  I was so proud of my girls....they got all 5 emotions DOWN!  And, though my girls made me want to cry...because I was proud....I was a little upset with my own performance.....kind of messed up...but, those things happen so that I can strive for a better "next time" (as someone once told me ;P)....anyways...I learned a lot this time around and I'm happy to say that I have my first performance/choreography for my showreel now.  Thanks girls!  Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?gl=US&feature=youtu.be&v=l1WgiduLSZE[![](/attachments/2012/06/11/20/23285_201206112056271.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=10980797)Queen of Hearts (Michelle), Dweedle Dee (Marsha), Alice (Natalie), Mad Hatter (Olivia)

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