演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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An Emotional Time

It has truly been an emotional month for me.  My show has taken turns left and right...and it has really been hard to stay positive about myself.  I'll be very truthful and honest in saying that the most important thing to me through this whole ordeal...were the friendships and the work partnerships that I had made during this learning experience.  I didn't want anything to jeopardize those relationships.  It's really hurtful when you think you  know someone and you put so much trust in that person....only to realize it meant nothing to them.  But...I have to put this past behind me and think to the future. 

So..in short, my show "Les Illusions de'lamour" has been postponed.  We are now looking at doing it next year...but, this next time I will make sure to really make every detail of the show completely clear before going ahead with it.  I will make sure that the people involved know what they are doing...so that I only have to focus on the creative side of things. 

This was probably the hardest learning experience I've ever had to encounter....having it affect my family and loved ones...really made it even more difficult...but, I will use this experience as good lesson to be learned....and next time I will only be stronger.  It was very difficult to tell each and every person involved because everyone was so excited to do it!  And, I appreciate everyone's effort up until now!    I'm so happy that everyone has been so understanding and that everyone is still so enthusiastic to be a part of it when it really does happen!!!  Bless everyone!!! 

One thing that this project has made me realize....is that I CAN compose and write music.  And, it's given me a lot more confidence as an artist.  I am sooo very thankful for Ted Lo...as a great mentor and teacher.  He has given my music so much more and I've learned so much from him.  Totally respect to him and his extreme talent!!!  Thank you thank you Ted Lo!!!  I am a total fan!

There is also another exiting project that I am currently working on...which I will not disclose until the end of Sept.....stay tuned!!!

I'm going to post one of my original compositions soon..a song that was supposed to be in the show....I recorded it in the studio with Ted Lo on keys!


我的那個show來來去去地,是很難讓我對自己再那麼有信心, 我真的該好好反省反省,從這次的經驗,我真該學習如何去交朋友, 如何去選擇合作夥伴,盡管就算是這樣, 我都從來不希望任何一方會有不好的結果,我只是心疼, 我是那麼真誠,那麼信任對方,結果原來完全不是那麼回事...    我告訴自己,過去的讓它過去,現在我該做的是,整頓我的心情, 面對未來... 

   長話短說,“愛.夢幻“將會延期了,我們暫時決定延到明年... 這回我會充份準備妥當了,找到真正的合作夥伴才開始, 只有這樣我自己才能專注在節目上...   這次大概是我這一生人中付出最貴最難所買到的經驗... 甚至於還傷害到我的家人,這是我最不願意看到的... 但是我會接受這次慘痛的教訓的,我會堅強起來...   我很難對每一個被傷害的人說抱歉, 事實上我非常感謝大家對我的支持,感謝大家諒解這不幸的結局! 願上帝保佑大家!!!   有得必有失,相對的有失必有得,從這一次的創作過程中, 我發現自己真的能作曲寫歌,我這里要特別感謝Ted Lo,在他的教導下,我找到了從未有的自信... 我有太多要向他學習的,他音樂的領域讓我嚮往, 讓我在音樂中找到無限的快樂...   將會有另一個很叫人興奮的工作等著我去做的, 大概在九月底的時候,到時候再向大家報告吧...   我會將其中一首Ted Lo 和我在錄音間錄好的, “愛.夢幻"的原唱歌曲獻給大家, 希望你們大家會喜歡!

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares
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we support you!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 69762
大约 14 年 ago
Stay positive, the music will always be there for u!
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 74817
Setbacks are inevitable in this world but I like your attitude towards the situation Marsha... Keep it up! Good always comes soon or later, one way or another! :)
大约 14 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007