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Annoying Plane Ride

Monday night I took a Cathay Pacific flight to Singapore on the airbus 330 plane.  The desk attendant was nice enough to give my mother and I a roomier seat...

We got on the plane and realized that our seats were in the front of the last section of the plane...it's usually saved for babies because they they have the bassinets that are connected to the wall where the screen is.  Mom was the first to notice that people were passing in front of us....when I say in front of us...I mean, where our feet are...they just passed us..and if our legs were extended out they would look at us....as if they were in the right....and say "excuse me"....

(the "passage way" to the other side)

Then, I noticed that the bathroom door would stay open every time someone used it...I really don't like sitting near a bathroom because of the smell...but, to be able to look into the bathroom where I was sitting....um..that wasn't good. 

So, when we finally did take off, things were ok.  I fell asleep for a bit, so I don't know if anybody passed by again. 

When the food came, the bathroom door was open and the lady next to us started to change her baby's diapers.  It wasn't really pleasant for the food to come at that moment.....yum!

So...after dinner time people started lining up to go to the bathroom.  I don't know how many people were passing by...my legs were extended out and I tried to sleep..but, once in a while someone would climb over my legs or look at them and say "excuse me"....what really got on my nerves is that they thought I was being unreasonable for not assuming that they'd go through....

A few instances took place...once I started to get annoyed...One guy looked at our legs and said "excuse me" ..and I looked at him and said "no"....but, ok...I was half kidding...so I let him through...my mom and I were cracking up at this point...it became such a joke btw us...

Then, my mom said that maybe the front had no passing and that's why all these people were passing us...the only way they could actually cross the other side was to go all the way to the next section in the front or back.  And...when I checked...sure enough, there was no where to pass....not a very good design for the 330 model plane!! 

So, the next guy that wanted to pass, left the bathroom door opened..so in order to let him have the ticket to pass, I told him to close the door first...hahahaha

Then the next guy that came and said the magic words, "excuse me"....in mandarin I said....."you're not supposed to pass this way...you better go around"...I felt kind of mean..but, at the same time...as a grown person...if it was me, I would be very embarrassed to pass people like that....I'd find it rude..therefore, I would not do it myself! 

What an interesting plane ride...and a start to my QT with my mom. 

oh!  And what is Singapore without trying some good Hainanese Chicken!!!  of course, some of you know my obsession for this dish...let me just say!!!  YUM!!!  Here's the place that I checked out!  I LOVE those hole in the walls!!

about 15 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
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this place looks familiar.... look at that line!
about 15 years ago


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