演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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banana cake madness

Wow..I can't believe it's already been a week since my last blog.  Hmmm.....well, I've been put into the Audition number. IT is a lot faster than I had been practicing it...and also, it's a lot different with everyone else there taping with me...it can get kind of confusing... And the opening is tomorrow night.  I'm very excited about it...and of course, nevous as well....I have some fans coming to watch and a friend coming too.  So..it should be fun. 

Oh, last night one of the musical directors came over to cook Italian food.  After I had rehearsals with Christine, we went to the market to buy some baking ingredients.  I decided to bake the cast, crew, and musicians some banana bread for today's long reherasal....we also got stuff for our little dinner party.  Anyways..it was a very nice afternoon spent talking and watching "Zoolander"...which I have yet to really watch and pay attention to.  The conversation was nice and the dinner was nice as well...cheese, salad, and a nice meatball pasta...I haven't had pasta in years!!!  oops...a bend to the no gluten diet rule...I really love having small dinner parties at home.  It reminds me of back in the day when we'd have family dinner's at my cousin's house.  I miss those times.  I hope I'll have a chance to have more dinner parties here in Shanghai.

So, after dinner, I stayed up till 11pm baking banana bread...then, in the morning, I woke up at 7am (normal time for me) and baked twice as much. I was scared that there wouldn't be enough for everyone.  I ended up separating the banana bread into 2 lots.  I took one lot into the girls dressing room for the cast to share.  Then I left the other lot with the stage manager...hoping that he'd find a good time to give it to the crew and musicians.  I asked him about 3 times...and i could tell that he was getting annoyed with me....but, I was scared that all my hard work would be wasted!!!  I don't think he realized that I spent almost 4 hrs on those!!!  ..so, the rehearsal ends and I see the lot sitting on the table...like it had been several hrs before.  I was very upset!!!  I took the lot and left it with some of the musicians on the bus.  I should have known not to trust anyone with something so important to me. For some reason, I just love baking and seeing the expression on people's faces...it makes me happy :)哦,真不敢相信已經又是一個星期沒寫博克了... prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /現在我已經正式被按排在開幕試鏡的那一場踢躂舞,我發現節奏比我平時練習的快了很多,當然和大家一塊跳的感覺也完全不一樣,有時會讓我感到有些攪惑,但是明天已經是首演了,我有些粉絲會來捧場,相信會挺有意思的…  哦,昨天我和Christine排練完了以後,其中一位音樂總監和我們一起,去超市買了菜,一起到我們家來煮義大利餐,我去超市裡還特意買了些材料,準備給大家烤一些香焦麵包,拿去給大家,作為今天長期抗戰總採排的慰勞…很開心能有朋友來家裡聊天,我們一邊放為錄影帶看"Zoolander",其實我們並沒有真的在看,只是聊天時讓它有點聲音,晚餐也很豐富,我們先有點cheese作我們的晚前小點,然後有沙律,還有肉球意大利麵,我已經好久好久沒敢吃意大利麵,這可是違反了我的健康銀食譜了...我真的很興奮有人來家裡做客,讓我懷念那些家人聚餐的日子,我希望今後會有更多這樣的聚會在我們上海的家中…晚餐過後,我就開始烤我的香焦麵包了,一直烤到晚上十一點,第二天一早我第七點就爬起來繼續烤,我擔心晚上烤的不夠大伙分的,(雖然我平時七點也起床了)我這一回一共烤了二盤,一盤我放在我們化裝間了,另外一盤我交給舞台監督,讓他幫我忙分給樂隊和工作人員吃 ,但是怎麼知道我前後問了他三次,他仍然沒然沒有行動,我想他完全沒想到這是我花了四個小時去烤的,當總彩排結束以後,我發現仍然放在那兒,我就把整盤拿上了他們的巴士上,分給樂隊他們吃,以後這麼重要的事,我一定親力親為絕不拜托任何人了…說真的,我實在很喜歡為大家烤點什麼,我尤其喜歡看到別人吃我烤的東西後的反影,他們的歡喜給我帶來無限的喜悅….

17 年多 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
how did they like it? be careful with these group dinners and foods. . . one bad egg or under washed veggie and the entire cast is out for two days with stomach cramps! j/k! i am sure they appreciate your effort ;-)
17 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007