Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Cabaret Rehearsal Day 1

Have you ever been scared of succeeding?  It's a strange thing to say..but, sometimes I feel like I have this fear...and it's in my subconscious mind.  It's like... I know I can do something but I'm scared of showing people.  Maybe it's all just in my head.  It was just a thought I had today while riding on the "ding ding" with my friend Ea. That's pronounced "Ee-ah"... We are like black and white.  Her and I.  It's a funny combo..really...

Anyways...today marked the first day of rehearsals for my upcoming cabaret show.  I am soooo pleased that I will be able to work with my dear friend Cristo on the choreography.  Basically, he is going to be like a mentor to me...I'm going to learn so much from him!!!  I was so worried about the show and being able to handle choreography AND being the main performer singing in the show.   But, now that I have Super Cristo to the rescue...I feel confident that we will work well as a team....I can now focus on the music/performance...  And, I am soooo very excited to finally make a dream become reality. 

Yes, for some reason, I get embarrassed telling people what my dreams are...It's almost like telling a wish when you blow out the candles on your birthday cake.  But, doing my own cabaret show has always been a dream.   There!  I said it! 

On another note....I have this "thing".   I got it when I was studying in NY for musical theater.  And, it's actually a symbol that I would never give up my dreams.  I still have it...and only recently when someone asked me about it...did I recall why I got it in the first place.  Maybe it took me awhile before I could actually get back on track of my dreams....maybe I needed some inspiration...a reminder.....anyways...I'd like to think that it's there for a reason.... Ok...let's make this dream happen before I go sharing more

The show will be on Sept 24th at Grappas Wine Cellar in Central, Jardine House.  I will be blogging about the process and hopefully get a few photos and videos up when we start to have more during rehearsals. 

about 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares


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