演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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dance classes for fundraising

I have been really busy lately.  I've been working on my songs for my show in Sept as well as getting together with Ted Lo to show him my composing....I was VERY nervous showing him my own music...but, it turned out to be pretty cool to hear how good my song could sound with someone who's professional!!!  My piano has yet to be improved on....

I'm also going to be singing at Michael Wong's concert in Macau this coming Friday the 16th....

And still teaching different dance classes.  I currently am teaching pole dance, jazz funk, and  theatre dance.  It's been a lot of fun...but, I want to specifically promo this class that I'll be teaching on Saturdays at 12pm to 1pm.  I'm trying to raise money for my church so I decided to start the workshop.  All the money will go to the building fund for my church so that we can afford  a new building to hold our services. Anyways...here is the info...I hope that there will be more people who sign up for the classes.  I'm going to teach stuff from the musical "Chicago" and maybe later on I'll do some jazz funk routines too.  So...pls come support!!!

我最近特忙,我忙著和我的音樂導演 Ted Lo 一起為我九月份的演出作曲....要把讓我的音樂拿給他看, 其實我是非常緊張的... 沒想到我的音樂經過這一位專業的鋼琴家彈出來非常悅耳 ....看樣子我的鋼琴還得好好練習...同時這個星期五(16日),我會去澳門為王敏德演唱會(  Michael Wong's concer)做演唱嘉賓.... 當 然我還同時在教不同的舞蹈課,像pole dance, jazz funk, and  theatre dance等等,非常有意思..., 在這裡我要特別跟你介紹的是星期六中午12點到1點我有個 workshop 是為我的教會籌錢,去換另一個新會址....這裡是我的海報, 有詳細的訊息...我希望能有多一點的人來參加, 我將會教音樂劇[芝加哥] (Chicago)裡的舞蹈,或許遲一些我會加上 jazz funk的動作... 請來支持我們!!!

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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007