演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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Easter Workshop

Video: http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2nKs9pxj4E I taught a musical theatre workshop on Sunday Easter night. It was my first time teaching more in a dance studio setting rather than a fitness center setting.  There is a difference btw teaching at a gym and teaching with a dance studio. The students are usually more advanced and more aware of which teachers can actually teach. I LOVE dancing and I can be quite snobby when I take classes.  I can tell if the teacher is good or not... And I'll have an opinion about their warm up and the choreography, etc....growing up in the states and taking classes in LA and NY makes me snobby like that. When I take classes in the states I'm struggling to keep up w the advanced beginner and intermediate classes. The students have great technique and they are all little kids! Some not even 20 yet! Yes, it's very intimidating and I remember walking out of a class feeling like the worst dancer in the class. But, that's how we improve...anyways, going back to my point...I've been so hesitant to start teaching because of the lack of confidence I have in my abilities. But, I guess, after I started teaching Pole dancing...I've developed some confidence with it. 

I really enjoy teaching a lively class...I mean, who wouldn't, right?  I guess it's kind of like saying...I love performing in front of a lively audience..hahaha....anyways...it has really been nice having these opportunities to teach and really begin to explore new things.  I'm hoping that I'll get more opportunities so that I can start to choreograph even more frequently.

I'll be doing a re run of a play that I did in Jan.  It's called "Pussycat Theatre" and it's in the Fringe club from May 13th till the 16th.  The dances will be choreographed by me! 

Above is the video of my workshop..I'm the one in the black dress...

在復活節那個星期天的晚上,我教了一堂 musical theatre workshop ,這是我第一次在一個舞蹈教室教課,而不是在一個  gym 裡,這完全是不一樣的感覺. 來舞蹈教室上課的學生,多半是已經比較有基礎的了, 所以教起來比較帶勁。

我自己非常喜歡上舞蹈課,但是我也是很挑的, 因為上一個好的老師的課,和上一個一般般的老師的課, 那種感覺完全不一樣的... 從暖身動作開始,到他們編排的舞蹈 ... 或許是因為我在美國長大,在洛杉磯和紐約上課, 使我變得那麼的挑剔。

當我在美國上舞蹈課,我常常會猶豫我是應該上一個 advanced beginner 呢,還是 intermediate ,因為就算是二十歲左右的小孩子,他們的技巧都已經是很厲害了, 我無法忘記自己是班上最差的那種感覺,但無可否認, 這是我能進步的最主要的原因...

回到我今天的主題...我一直不敢教課是因為我對自己沒信心, 但是自從我教了鋼管舞(Pole dancing)之後,我開始找回了我的自信。

我尤其是喜歡教一堂充滿了活力的班 ... 當然我相信沒有人不會有同感,對嗎?我想這種感覺像是... 讓我陶醉在一群現場觀眾面前表演一樣,哈哈哈 .....真是很感激有機會去教課, 讓我能找到另一種生活的體驗。我希望能有更多的機會教課, 這樣我可以更好訓練自己編舞的技能。

  我將會重演我年頭演過的那個舞台劇[野貓劇場]( Pussycat Theatre),從五月十三日到十六日,仍然在中環的 ”Fringe



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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007