Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Fighting a Cold Before Opening Night

Only 5 more days till our opening for "When Rick Met Marsha".  And, I'm sick!!!!  I'm fighting it so that I'll be 100% by Wed.  I had to teach today, and I'll need to teach tomorrow. But, other than that, I'm trying to stay in bed for as much of the day as I can.  I attempted to sing a few notes just now and I think my voice came back...but, I'll find out for sure on Monday at our next full run rehearsal.  The congestion just comes and goes...one minute I think I'm almost rid of this thing...and the next minute I'm congested and my head is aching.  Let's pray that this thing is over VERY soon!!!   Anyways...if you haven't already bought tickets for the show, pls do so!!!  Tickets are on sale at HK Ticketing and you can also get them at The Fringe Club!!!!CK out our "making of" video directed/filmed/edited by Harry Yuanhttp://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10151486293975921&set=o.524414710925017&type=2&theater[![](/attachments/2013/01/28/20/23285_201301282014141.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=11333806)

over 11 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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Best of luck Marsha! I'm sure you'll be better by next week. Sorry I'm out of town next week, I'm sure you'll be great.
over 11 years ago


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April 19, 2007