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Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Getting Ready

It's been awhile since my last blog.  I'm back in Hong Kong and getting back to my "regular" life.  Right now,  my main focus is to get my butt into shape before I start my next movie.  I'm trying to eat healthy...no bad carbs (bread, pasta, rice), dairy, or sweets!!!  I've done this for the past 3 wks and I'm noticing a change in my body, of course!   I also started taking up something called SMAC (Strength, Mobility, And Conditioning).  It's actually a pretty tough workout and my right knee isn't feeling too good because of all the running it requires.  After the session today, I had to go home and ice my knee!  OYE!!!   Yeah, I know that sometimes I can push my body a little overboard....RMP, yoga, dance, pole dancing, and now added to my routine is the SMAC.  I have to keep telling myself that it's ok for me to rest so that I can recover.....You don't understand how hard that can be for someone who likes to workout. My definition of a rest day is to do yoga!  Anyways.....It was very hard to change my LIFESTYLE (notice that I don't like to call it a diet) but, now I'm starting to get the hang of it and I feel great!  I do allow a cheat day....AKA Happy Friday!!! I'm also trying to save money and eat more healthy by cooking more at home.  I won't have that luxury once I do the shoot in China...so, I'm going to take advantage of this time to enjoy some alone time as well as cook.  My latest creation.  I'm starting to love those grilled carrots![](/attachments/2013/09/12/18/23285_201309121853282.thumb.jpg)I've also been trying to train myself in pole more.  It seems that I've been focusing so much on my classes and teaching my students, I've neglected to train myself!!!!So....as for work... it looks like the rest of my year will be blessed by lots of it!  Next month, I will start shooting a movie in Nanjing and Yun Nan (Burma).  In btw the shoot, I will be back in Hong Kong to do a few corp events and teach if I am able to... Then, after I finish that movie, I will be starting on another movie that will be in English.  So, this year is looking to be a very busy one and I am sooo very grateful for that.    Happy Happy! 

about 11 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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April 19, 2007