Some people know that I was a vegetarian for the first 7 years of living in Hong Kong. Well, in July it will mark the 2nd year that I have converted back into a carnivore...which leads me to the point of this blog....
Recently, I discovered that I'm in love with Hainanese chicken and rice. I don't know what it is...maybe it's the rice...I just have this obsession for it. It started when I tasted some of my aunts food one day.....and was all over!
The spree began a week ago when I had my first cravings. That day I was in Central with my sister and I asked around to find out the closest place to satisfy my needs. And everyone suggested "Choi Hua" on Wellington St. I was extremely, I don't know if my critique will be a little bias. The food itself was very quick....only took about 1 min after I ordered...which kind of makes me long has it actually been sitting there? Oh well....don't really want to think about, it's great for when you're pressed for time or in my case, starving! is how it will work. I will give points for taste, efficiency, quality/freshness, presentation/atmosphere, and state the price.
taste 6
efficiency 10
quality 4
presentation 5
price $50
So, after I went on my first Hainanese Chicken run, I decided that I would search high and low throughout HK and rate the places that I go to.
The next stop was the coffee shop in the old Mandarin Oriental, Central. Yes, a little high class for this dish...but, it was a very nice experience because it was such a nice place to have dinner with a close friend....and relax. I think the highlight of this place was their presentation, the rice because it was light but had a lot of fragrance...and the chicken was very good quality....the soup is also very nice....but, a little too pricey for my taste....
taste 7
efficiency 7
quality 9
presentation 8
price $168
The 3rd place I went to was at the cafe in the Luk Kwok Hotel, Wan Chai. This one is quite good because it was the same one that I tasted when my aunt let me try my first taste.
taste 7 1/2
efficiency 8
quality 8
presentation 7
price $98
So..that is it for my Hainan Chicken Critiques....I went to one yesterday but I'll have to write on that one next time....and there are still many suggested places that I have to go visit. Next time, I'll have photos too!
或許還有人記得,我來香港的前七年我是素食主義,不過後來我開葷 了,實際上到今年七月,我已經開葷了兩年,這跟我今天博客想寫的 內容有點關係....
因為最近我發現自己愛上了海南雞飯...或許是那個飯的味道.. .我幾乎著迷了。
事情是這樣的,有一天,我和我乾媽一起吃飯,她點了海南雞飯 ,還讓我試了一口.....然後就因為這一口... .我就給迷上了。
那天我和我姊姊在中環,我到處打聽附近有沒有海南雞飯 ,每個人都建議我去威靈頓的[翠華],其實那天我實在是很餓.. .所以,我不知道我的鑑定會不會有偏見。食物來得很快
....我才點完菜一分鐘就來了...我想糟糕,這雞不知道已經 做好了放在那兒有多久了,但是....我也顧不了那麼多了.. .再說,如果是像我當時那麼餓,又沒有時間等,來得快也不是一件 壞事,所以..我決定會從味道,速度,東西新不新鮮,餐廳的環境 ,上盤的擺設,以及價錢等這幾項來給吃過的海南雞飯評分。
味道 6
速度 10
質量 4
感覺 5
價錢 $50
經過那次以後我還真的決定在香港作一個[海南雞飯]的調查 ,並且去過的每一個地方,都作一個評分
接著我去了中環舊的那間文華酒店的咖啡廳,我知道在這兒吃海南雞 飯太高級了一點...但是,不可否認這是一次非常美妙的經驗 ,如果你想和三兩知己共度晚餐,這是一個很舒適的地方... .能讓你完全放鬆,所以我想這兒的最高分是感覺,至於海南雞飯 ,飯很香而且不油膩,他們用的雞是很好質量的雞,很新鮮... .就連那碗湯也是非常美味....只是價錢是有點太貴了....
味道 7
速度 7
質量 9
感覺 8
價錢 $168
味道 7 1/2
速度 8
質量 8
感覺 7
價錢 $98
我昨天又去吃海南雞飯了, 但是我得下一回再寫了....
還有很多的地方我想去試的,下一次我一定記得拍一點照片和大家分 享!