Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Have you gained weight?

     Last night, I went to the opening of Les Ballets  Trockadero De Monte Carlo.  I brought the perfect date to the show with me.  My good friend...also a student of mine...I can pretty much count on her to come with me to any sort of show like this....hahaha...(I'm sure she'll just LOVE that comment)        Anyways...Knowing that this was an invitation for the opening, I had to make sure that I was in "work mode"....I dolled myself up and prepared myself for....REPORTERS!!!...I haven't really been out in the public for a while...so, I figured it was time for me to make some sort of appearance.....We got to the venue early so that we could pick up tickets and so that I could take photos and get interviewed.      Just a brief note.....I have been working hard in the past few weeks to keep in shape.  And, I have been exercising...A LOT....way above the average person....sometimes 2 or 3 times daily.....So, I have been feeling pretty good about my body.  I wasn't worried about seeing reporters like I usually am....until the first thing that one reporter said to me was, "oh, you look like you've gained some weight.  Have you gotten fatter?".  I can't tell you how much I hate that the media likes to focus on things like my weight and my love life...instead of asking things that are in conjunction to whatever I'm doing at the moment.  I feel like the media needs to be more educated in things that are of importance...rather than stick to this sort of "gossip".  It's going to make the next generation of local Hong Kong people only interested in stupid gossip!     So, I have definitely matured about this situation....I would probably be crying in the theatre while watching the show if this was 10 years ago.  But, I've learned in the past few years that for some reason the media likes to see me and every artist upset.  I've been able to push away all eating disorder tendencies because I found a new life in Hong Kong where people accept my body for what it is...I think this is a pretty big issue in HK.  I don't think they understand what beautiful and healthy means.  When I was just starting in the industry, I remember when I'd only eat boiled vegetables.  I got my weight down to 115 lbs at my height of 5'7"!!!  I was depressed and weak all the time and my skin was so sickly that I had to wear make up!  During that time I got endless compliments from the local entertainment industry...that is MESSED up!  I was so thin that my boobs shrunk!  I look back at photos of me when I was that thin...and it is pretty scary!!!       Now that I am also working in the fitness industry, it's important that I'm healthy and strong.  I think that my body definitely is more naturally strong and curvy.  Because I have to starve myself in order to meet the Hong Kong standard.  Well, God gave me curves and I am going to go with it! Enjoy life!  Eat healthy!  And exercise!  Tone body over bones any day!  My loyal student (who went with me last night) also told me that she read a quote somewhere that said "skinny people look good in clothes. Fit people look good naked!"  hahahaha LOVE IT!!!

over 12 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
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its all about fitness and health! I wish I could work out 3 times a day! (actually sometimes I do... its called commuting by bike!) Don't let these losers bring down your positive attitude!
over 12 years ago


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