Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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Inspiring times

I've actually been pretty bad at updating lately...but I guess it's because it's been pretty busy these past few weeks.  I have had such an inspiring few weeks.  I've met some really amazing musicians, made some close friends, and realized a lot about myself in the process.  I am definitely thankful and content with the blessings in my life.  All the people that are a part of it and all the things that God has given to me.  I'm ready now for new experiences and will not settle for anything!!  These next 6 wks I will embark on some new challenges and experiences in my life....going to study a little and really start to call myself a musician.  I'm going to push for my dreams and goals...and hopefully...I can make a difference somehow.....I don't want to give away what is going to happen in the next 6wks...so, I will just end it at that and update once in awhile...and hopefully...when things are more set...I'll share more. 

Here are some photos of amazing people and experiences I had these past few weeks..

Improv dance video that I worked on with a bunch a fantastic dancers.  Thanks Sahar for a great time!

My gigs here and there with Solomon Siah...you are an inspiration and I am so happy that I got to learn guitar with you!!!!  You are awesome!!!

Kevin So, you are amazing!!!  I can't believe you're asian!  I'm so inspired by you and your many gifts from God!!! 

I also had a great time jamming with Lawrence Ku, EJ Parker and Chris Trzcinski!!!  I have photos somewhere!!!

I will try my best to write more blogs when I'm out of town!

over 13 years ago 0 likes  2 comments  0 shares
Chungtsang 5b chungtsang
Have a great journey ahead in your endeavors. Hope God will bless you on your way, and may you inspire others as well.
over 13 years ago


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April 19, 2007