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Michael Wong Concert/HK film awards

I number of events...and I need to catch up on my blogs!!!

Last Fri, I was a guest for Michael Wong's concert in Macau at the Sands theatre.  I sang 2 songs that night..."My Heart Belongs to Daddy" and "Autumn Leaves".  I was a bit scared because a few days before the show, I had a sore throat and my voice wasn't completely normal...let's just say that it was a lot huskier than normal....which is fine...hahaha...I've always wished to have a sexier voice!!!  I was really touched after the show...when this french man and his mother came up to me to tell me that they really enjoyed my singing....I sang half of "Autumn Leaves" in french.  And, the lady was soooo happy that I sang that song...they told me that my french pronunciation was really good!!!  I was sooo excited!!!  It's more than I can say about my actual speaking in french...hahaha..but, it was good enough...and the old lady was sooo cute because she started to sing for me in French :) 

My friend Kat and I..she was helping out with the show...

Takiylla, she is one of my students for my "show dance" class....I was soooo proud of her performance!

Happy Birthday again Michael!!!  I owe you some home made cake!

The W brothers...they were excellent!!!

Ok, for some reason, I put Race as an individual artist...and didn't realize that they are sisters from that group R2 (sorry Race!!!)....when I walked off the stage I passed Race as she was getting on the stage...and when I got to the dressing room...there was her sister!!!  I was soooo very very confused! hahahah...because they almost look like twins!

these ladies were awesome in the show!!!  great voices!

On Sunday, I went to the HK Film awards with my mom...nothing special...just walked the red carpet and sat through the show as a guest...one thing though...when I finished walking down the red carpet my dress got heavier and heavier....apparently, it rained in the morning and the carpet was wet!!! When I looked down, my dress was drenched!!!  I ended up going backstage with my mom for a half hr....both of us holding blow dryers and attempting to make it a little less wet...hahaha....

anyways...here are some photos!!!

This dress was made for me many years ago...my good friend Tracie told me I should wear it for the event...thanks Trace!!!  It's very wrinkled at the bottom from the blow drying...hahaha

mom and me

This is mom's God son, Louis (Fan Siu Wong)...he was my first sifu when I first came to HK

this photo was taken by my fan, who has been following me for 10 yrs now!!!

this photo too!!! Thanks!!!

14 年多 前 0 赞s  9 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
Nice meeting you @ afterparty. Look forward to watching you and listening to your wonderful vocals again!
14 年多 ago
Photo 441223
14 年多 ago
Nikolasmw 7c nikolas champions 1
just so beautiful with elegance and style, sweetness
14 年多 ago
Photo 36943
Hey Marsha, ALL great pics! Hope that you are doing well. **I need to come back and visit with you soon!**
14 年多 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007