演员, 歌手, 舞蹈家
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My Show on Sat night

I had an incredible time  on Sat night.  I can't believe how quickly it passed by.....I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to work with my dear friends at Aerial Arts Academy and also to work with such a great band.  It has definitely been an experience that has made me grow as an artist.  I think for the first time in my life....I believed it when people told me that I had a good voice...and when they said that the show was amazing....it's hard for me to say....let me just be very frank...I've always thought in my head...sure, of course you will tell me that you liked my voice or I was great, you're my friend or your my mother or my father!  I guess I've always been my worst critic...but, this is the first time that I felt like I did my homework and I really was ready for this show.  And, I could feel that I had improved in the 1 month that I decided I'd religiously practice every single day every single song.  And, it felt really good.  I think I've been inspired by recent artists that I've met...and it just encouraged me to try harder...practice makes perfect!  For sure there will be more of these shows coming up.  I will post some photos and videos once I get a hold of those!

昨晚的演出,讓我享受到一個非常美妙的晚上, 我不敢相信一切會進行得那麼神速.... 我非常感激能有這個機會跟 Aerial Arts Academy 的好朋友們,和香港最棒的樂隊一起演出, 對我來說,這是我這一生人, 第一次感到自己真的成長成為一個藝術家...當朋友們告訴我, 我演出成功時,我不再會懷疑... 一直以來我縂以為我的朋友們跟我說,我的聲音很甜美, 或者是稱贊我說我唱得好,都只因為他們是我的父母,是我的親人, 是我的朋友,所以才來安慰我而已...但是這一次不同, 因為我作足了準備工作,可以完完全全投入演出... 這一個月以來,我每天不只是一首歌一首歌的練習, 還每個音符地探討,我真的可以感覺到自己的進步,這種感覺真好, 我想這是為什麼我會覺得自己真的是一個藝術家了。 通過這次的表演,我會要求自己更努力,讓每一次的演出都更完美. ..我相信會有更多像這樣的演出來臨...哦, 當我拿到我其他的照片以及錄影,我一定會 跟大家分享的...

my "good lookin' "  mama...


Opening song


me and my daddy


Just want to thank Utah Lee again for Sponsoring her jewelry!!!  Her shop is called House of Style and it's located in Central on Wellington St.

我這里要再一次感謝  Utah Lee ,她贊助我那天晚上的佩帶的首飾, 她的店鋪叫House of Style 就在中環的威靈頓大街上

Next up, going to be singing at the Jazz Festival on Sat for Ted Lo's gig.  I'm pretty excited about that....and always excited to work with Ted :)  Here's the info if you want to watch!!

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congrats Marsha!!!
接近 13 年 ago
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Congratulations very proud of you!
接近 13 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007