Official Artist
Marsha Yuan
Actor , Singer , Dancer
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My Year 2014

It's been a very very very long time since I wrote a blog.  I guess there has been a lot of change in my life recently.  And, I truly believe that it's all for the better.  With every experience I believe that you become the person that you are supposed to be.  And, everything does happen for a reason.  So, here I am today still living in Hong Kong and soon to be an owner of an apartment.  I feel like I'm finally growing up!  I've never loved Hong Kong more than I do today which is obviously a good thing.  I love my friends and my family and my double lifestyle.  So, 2014 is winding down to a pretty full and good year for me.  I had 3 movies this year and my main focus has been acting and doing a few performances in China.  Right now, I'm focusing on yoga, teaching pole dancing and fly yoga.  I've also started learning more aerial hoop which has proved to be useful.  And, I've been able to sing at a few performances this year but I feel like I've neglected singing for the past few years.  Maybe it's been discouragement…but, I picked up my guitar and have started up again :)  And, I'm happy to say that I'm in the process of creating a cabaret show for next year.  I'm going to create a show that is more personal and it would be sort of my first one "wo"- man show!  It's still being conceived at the moment so I will try to be good about posting updates when things are more finalized. So, that's just a quick update.  Here are some photos from my movies as well as all the activities I've been doing this year.  Enjoy!


almost 10 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares
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Thanks for the updated Marsha! Looking forward to seeing your new movies!
almost 10 years ago


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April 19, 2007