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Press Con for Chinese Movie

I just got back from Beijing last night.  I was supposed to get back earlier but I missed my flight and then the next flight was delayed....so, it was a pretty long day for me.  Luckily, I was flying in business class so it was a very comfortable flight.  It's been awhile since I've flown in business class too...so, I was very excited because the food is so much better...hahaha My business class breakfast on the flight to Beijing.Wed, Sept 18th, 2013 was the press con for my upcoming chinese movie.  The movie is set during World War II and is about the comfort women who were used to "comfort" the Japanese soldiers.  It's a part of history that has been very hush hush...and though some surviving comfort women have written stories about their situation over 70 years ago, the alligations have been denied by the Japanese.  I have to admit, growing up as an American born Chinese, I don't know much about Chinese History.  But, I have recently been given opportunities to be a part of projects that involve historical events.  I feel very blessed to have these opportunities and to touch base with Chinese History.  It's probably the best way to learn about it.  I am very proud to be a part of this project and to be a part of such a meaningful topic that will open people's eyes to the injustices that these women faced during the war.  It will be a very challenging role for me and a very serious topic for such a happy person that I am....but very very grateful for the chance thanks to Director Bruce Le and his confidence in me.  I'm also excited to be playing the same character that my mom, Cheng Pei Pei will be playing.  I'm obviously going to play the younger version of our character.  Since I've been in the entertainment industry, many people have said that I look so much like my mother when she was young.  But, never in the years that I've been acting, has anyone found us to play a role together until now.  I am very very excited about it![](/attachments/2013/09/20/09/23285_201309200941371.thumb.jpg)This is my mom and me when I was just a little kid.  And, I know I look like a little boy!!! We had a very successful press con on Wed with many very important people there to support the project...including Madame Moa's daughter!!!  After learning more about the comfort women with the research that I've had to do in the past few weeks, I feel such a great empathy for these women and hope to do the best that I can with this movie.  I will keep an update with the progresses of the movie as we prepare to shoot, during the shoot, and leading up to the promotion and release.  Stay tuned![](/attachments/2013/09/20/09/23285_201309200935091.thumb.jpg)This was our movie backdrop for the press con.Here's an article in the Chinese paper about our press con.  

about 11 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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