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Marsha Yuan
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VOTE for me in the Heckler Awards

It's been an eventful week.  I helped my best friend from High School get ready for her wedding all week in Oxford.  I was her only bridesmaid.  This week, I've learned how to make a wedding cake decoration, make my own bouquet, make boutonniere and corsages, AND do hair and make up for the bride.  Whew!  It was a busy busy and stressful week...but, in the end the wedding was absolutely beautiful.  There is something about those traditional church weddings that is so beautiful and pure.  I am thankful for having such a wonderful experience with such a close friend. I still have a long trip ahead of me partially for pleasure, family, and for work.  Exciting :)On another note, I have 4 nominations for this years Heckler Awards.  It's an award event that HKeld holds for shows in HK.  Pls go to this site and make a final vote for the following:https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GBZWW7F1) Best Show (Musical)"When Rick Met Marsha"2)  Best Dance Show"Les Illusions De L'amour"3) Best Original Work"When Rick Met Marsha"4) Best ActressMarsha Yuan (ME!!) in "When Rick Met Marsha"If the link above doesn't work pls go tohttp://www.hkeld.com/articles/view/the-20122013-hecklersAnd enter your email address at the bottom of the page.  They will send you the ballot via email to ensure a fair vote.  I appreciate all of your votes!!! Thanks!!!這是很奇特的一個星期,我高中時代最要好的女朋友在英國Oxford舉行婚禮,我是她唯一的伴娘,結果這個星期我學到很多東西,我學會怎麼樣裝飾結婚蛋糕,替我自已做我的伴娘花球及主婚人、嘉賓的衿花 , 我還幫新娘子化裝梳頭,哇,真是非常忙碌緊張的一個星期...幸好一切順利,婚禮非常圓滿,一個非常傳統的婚禮在教堂舉行,是那麽美好莊嚴,我慶幸能參與其中,見證和分享我最要好的朋友的重要時刻...這只是一個開始,接下來我將會從一個城市走到另一個城市,除了工作以外,也會和家人相聚,可想而知現在我的心情是何等興奮...另外在這兒,我要告訴大家一個好消息,在今年的Heckler Awards我有四項提名,能否得勝就得靠你們大家的支持了,請到以下的網站投我一票吧!非常感謝!https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/GBZWW7FHere's the decoration on the cake that I made This is the bridesmaid bouquet that I made with real flowersThe brides beautiful hair for the wedding that I somehow created thanks to all the times I got my hair done for me :)

about 11 years ago 0 likes  1 comments  0 shares


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