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"When Rick Met Marsha" a Cabaret

At the moment I'm busy preparing for my cabaret show with Rick Lau.  Our show is called "When Rick Met Marsha" and it's a cabaret about 2 people who meet at a cooking school.  Rick and I met during our run of the original musical, "I, Ching" and clicked pretty well during the run.  So, during rehearsals for "I, Ching", we talked about doing a cabaret show together at the Fringe Club's newly renovated Cabaret Theatre.  "When Rick Met Marsha" is going to be showing at The Fringe Club Cabaret Theatre on Thurs, Nov 29th, Fri, Nov 30th and Sat, Dec 1st.  At the moment, we have more people coming on Saturday night, but hope that we can get the house pretty full on all 3 nights...as most people would want ...after all, it's the ticket sales that will pay the band and all the costs to put together the show.  So, please let your friends know about our show!  We have been lucky enough to work with Amuer Calderon on this project.  Amuer is our Musical Director and has been whipping our vocals into shape.  It has been a real challenge for both Rick and I to put together this show.  Learning new songs, collaborating on the storyline, and putting it all together has been a new experience for us.  I hope that we'll get to share our hard work and efforts with as many people as possible.  So, pls get your tickets soon from the Fringe Club.  You can call 2521 7251 and buy your tickets now via credit card.  If you decide to make a visit to the Fringe Club, keep in mind that the theatre has been renovated and the entrance is  now at the corner of the building!  Details on the show are shown below in our flyer. Ticket cost, dates, times, etc.   Hope to see you there!   Here's our poster created by Harry Yuan and touched up by Eddie Villanueva.

接近 12 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares
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ATTENTION!!! Anyone going to "When Rick Met Marsha" on any of the 3 nights!!! Due to unforeseen technical issues, the time has changed to 8:30pm!!! Pls note this! We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. We are soooo very thankful and happy for all of your support! See you soon!
接近 12 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007