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Day 23 of the 10min Sirsasana 1 (Headstand) 30 Day Challenge. Today's view during my headstand....Got up early to do some self practice and did my headstand before 9am this morning. After getting off of the plane yesterday I had this headache till I got up this morning. But, now it's all gone! #yogageek #yoganerd #yogachallenge #sirsasana1 #headstand #30daychallenge #yogainbali #selfpractice

大约 9 年 前 7 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I didn't even think that this would happen. It's been awhile since I got upgraded! Yay!!! I'll take it! #upgrade

大约 9 年 前 73 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 22 of the 10 min Sirsasana1 (Headstand) 30 Day Challenge. Getting it done early before I go to the airport today. Focusing on my breathing and time really went fast today? feels refreshing to start the day with a smoothie and then my headstand. Or maybe I'm just excited to get away for a bit. #30daychallenge #headstand #sirsasana1 #yogachallenge #yoganerd #yogageek Noy Mingkalaba Rachel Solomons Cora Lee O-Pattamaporn Somchit

大约 9 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Photo Shoot last year with Paul Cibis. Hair and make up by Ross Kwan and styling by Matt Hui

大约 9 年 前 18 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

Arturo Melendez L

You missed this routine!

大约 9 年 前 8 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

I have to share this with all my gym instructor friends and friends who are into fitness

大约 9 年 前 48 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 21 of the 10 min Sirsasana 1 (Headstand) 30 Day Challenge. Feeling great after a Vinyasa 2 class with Noy this morning and just getting into my headstand after a nice breakfast with some girlfriends. My shoulders have really been working hard and I can totally feel it during the headstand. But, I feel so strong now in the foundation of the pose that the dancer in me is ready to Choreo some headstandography. Music is "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran.

choreo #yogageek #yoganerd #yogachallenge #30daychallenge #headstand #headstandography #sirsasana1 Noy...Read more

大约 9 年 前 27 赞s  暂无评论  1 share

Ok ok....enough already! I've done this too many times where I'll get on the MTR, get comfortable in my seat and start looking at my iPhone, the next min I look up and I'm going the other way!!! Ah Ya!!! Totally something that I would do. Even when I lived in NY years ago??? lucky the system here is a lot more convenient and frequent. I only lost about 10 min. If it was NY I'd Prob lose a half hr to an hr????

大约 9 年 前 15 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 20 of the 10 min Sirsasana 1 (Headstand) Challenge. I actually got it done earlier this morning just before taking Vinyasa 2 with Lisa @pureyogaofficial . It felt good to just plan ahead of time and get it done just before class when my mind and body were still energetic to start the day. I definitely feel like I should be doing it earlier in the day. It feels lighter and I'm much more focused. #yogageek #yoganerd #yogachallenge #sirsasana1 #headstand #30daychallenge Noy Mingkalaba Rachel Solomons O-Pattamaporn Somchit Cora Lee

大约 9 年 前 19 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Day 19 of the 10 min Sirsasana 1 (Headstand) 30 Day Challenge. I was not feeling like doing it today and I just kept on stalling it till just now. I feel very tired and my head felt really heavy. I thought that my neck would be sore after the 10 min but I feel ok right now. The headstand felt unstable and my focus was not there. This is the most unmotivated I've felt about this challenge. I just wanted to get it over with and I kept looking at the clock waiting for the time to be over. I'm just trying to be truthful...and say it how it is. Yoga is not ...Read more

大约 9 年 前 16 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007