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Fitting in one class at the #AYC just before my final rehearsals for #amarshacalnight !


Band rehearsal for A MARSHACAL NIGHT. Getting excited!

Photo with my mom who came straight from the airport to support me for the press visit and my Musical Director for A MARSHACAL NIGHT, Amuer.

onewomanshow #livemusic #marshayuan #fringeclub #amarshacalnight

Today I had a press visit for A MARSHACAL NIGHT at The Fringe Club. Getting closer to showtime!!! Thanks to Parsons Music for their beautiful baby grand!Tickets are going fast so buy your tickets soon!!! At the Fringe Club or online at www.hkticketing.com

asiancabaret #amarshacalnight #fringeclub #liveperformanceshk #musicaltheatre #marshayuan #livemusic #onewomanshow #parsonsmusic

9 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

This is my latest Poleography for Int Pole. Music is Kina Grannis' cover of "Chandelier". Thanks Sarah Shum for taking this video and Arturo Melendez L for choosing the song! Pls ignore my leg getting caught in the TRX! hahaha….

purefitness #purefitnesscausewaybay #poleography #marshapole #poledancing #choreography


I just did a radio interview with Phil Whelan for #morningbrew on #rthkradio3 to promote my show, #amarshacalnight coming up on This Fri and Sat at #thefringeclub at 8pm. Buy your tickets soon!!! #onewomanshow #livemusic #liveperformanceshk #musicaltheatre

1 week count down till showtime!!! I wrote a blog about it.

A Marshacal Night Coming Soon

It's only less than a week before the opening night of,  A MARSHACAL NIGHT  and I'm trying my best to not get too stressed out….trying to find time to at least have a meal with friends and even watch a movie to not think for those 2 hrs.  I have literally been waking up singing songs in my head trying to make sure that I have everything all memorized and ready for the show.  The past week I was so anxious that I started to ask myself, "why are you doing this?"….clearly it is not for the money. ...Read more

9 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Now if this is not a beautiful start to a #cheatday then I don't know what is!!! An extremely challenging #vinyasa 2 with Noy and then a well deserved #treat! #crazyaboutmuffins

It's the 10 day countdown till my one "wo"man show, A MARSHACAL NIGHT and I hope to sell out again like my last show did in Jan. So Pls come support me and if you can't come Pls help me share this info with your friends and spread the news! I have Amuer Calderon as my Musical Director and pianist and Rick Lau as my special guest! Hope to see you there! Fri and Sat June 12 and 13 at 8pm ! @ The Fringe Club! Thanks for the support!!!



Hong Kong
April 19, 2007