"Street Fighter 4 + Wall Street Financial Crisis", and asked me if I wanted to play aRyu/R.O.I.in this project! At first, I didnt know what it was about, but then, I've always believed in the boys so whenever I can help, im there (and its guaranteed to be great fun!!!)
Ryu from Street Fighter?!? Thats like my favorite character of all time!! Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nlpsvq0k4MI&fmt=18[![](/attachments/2009/03/261052_200903051328573.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=2151973)"Whatcha lookin' at?!?"The links to other fighter's Alive Not Dead blog:R.O.I (Ryu) Michael Chan The Fed (Sagat) Boon Khoo Fannie Mae (Chun Li) Shan Chen Tech Support (Dhalsim) Bhavini Raval Dow Jones (Crimson Viper) Annmarie Leung Goldman (Ken) Sam Lynn
Nikkei (E.Honda) Simon Yin M.Lynch (M.Bison) Derrick Fong The Intern (Blanka) B-Boy Matt
S&P 500 (Guile) Rob Lok###So At this very moment, we've reached247 580hits onYoutubeafter 14 days only! And We've been feature on CNN andATVas well! Here's some snaps stolen fromChung! Will try to come up with the videos soon!! If you happen to find any, please let us know!! "Foreclooooooosure!!!"Other websites also showed our clip... Check them out: http://www.gametrailers.com/player/usermovies/307071.html?playlist=featuredhttp://kotaku.com/5157621/wall-street-fighterhttp://tv.duowan.com/0902/99402832595.html###Hope you guys enjoyed it! For more details about the process or how we came up with the idea or read the director's cut, please visit Chung and Simon's blog.
CHECK! (Haha)
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