West 32nd ~ O Canada!Congratulations to the new America! Change has come and we no longer have to worry about packing up and moving to Canada... But we can still visit! Spread the word about our two big screenings in Canada this month. First up is the Closing Night Presentation at the Vancouver Asian Film Festival. Grace Park will be in attendance. >7PM SUN NOV 9, 2008Vancouver Asian Film FestivalClosing Night Filmwww.vaff.org A week later we are the Centerpiece Presentation at the Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival. Director Michael Kang will be in attendance. >8:15PM SAT NOV 15, 2008Toronto Reel Asian Film FestivalCenterpiece Presentationwww.reelasian.com**** Stay tuned for more info soon about our US theatrical release! (Yes, it is going to take a little longer still.) 7PM SUN NOV 9, 2008Vancouver Asian Film FestivalClosing Night Filmwww.vaff.org 8:15PM SAT NOV 15, 2008Toronto Reel Asian Film FestivalCenterpiece Presentationwww.reelasian.comwww.w32nd.comwww.myspace.com/west32nd