Hello Everyone !!
AnD and myself are really looking forward to creating a wonderful evening for you on April 16th!!I share my Birthday with you all, and hopefully we can find a big enough B-Day cake so everyone can have a piece!Rehearsals are going well, I'm most excited about having "The Williams Brothers" coming over to perform for this show, there some of the greatest Entertainers I know, you don't want to miss them!I'll give you an update on the progress of putting this extravaganza together : )Lots of Love to you All,Best,Michael. |
我想跟大家一起慶祝我的生日﹐希望能夠找到一個大生日蛋糕﹐ 足以樣大家分享一塊!
綵排進行得很順利﹐而令我感到最興奮的是"The Williams Brothers"將會來音樂會演出。他們是非常好的表演者﹐ 我知道大家不想錯過!
王敏德| 喂﹐大家好!! 我和AnD非常期待﹐在4月16日为大家製造一个美丽的晚上! 我想跟大家一起庆祝我的生日﹐希望能够找到一个大生日蛋糕﹐ 足以样大家分享一块! 綵排进行得很顺利﹐而令我感到最兴奋的是"The Williams Brothers"将会来音乐会演出。他们是非常好的表演者﹐ 我知道大家不想错过! 下次会给大家更新我们这场娱乐表演的进展消息< /span> 为大家送上很多爱﹐ 一切顺利﹐ 王敏德