Mike Leeder
选角导演, 製片人, 杂志编辑
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AVP and other activities

Yes..the rumours are true

I'm very proud to confirm that the rumours of a new action project entitled 'AVP' which will feature Andy on, Vaness Wu, & Phil Ng are true...the Phil'ster will serve double duty as action choreographer for the project too, while talented Irish director Seamus Walsh('Somebody to love')will be helming the film, and i'll be wearing my producers hat for the project.

More news on the film very soon...

in the meantime I'll quote Seamus's recent blog about the project'

take it away Mr.Director sir...

Hello to all,

Been a while since my last blog which was so kindly put on the home page of AnD. Not sure who to thank for that but you have my gratitude mysterious stranger.

Thanks as well to everyone who thought to leave feedback, sorry that I didn't respond to any comments but the whole back and forth internet discussion isn't really my bag. Sorry too for the unbearable pretentiousness of the title of said blog. I make no apologies however for the unbearably pretentious content....

Now without further ado I will get to the meat and veg of this blog which is to discuss "AVP".

"AVP" stands for Andy On, Vanness Wu and Philip Ng, the three actors attached to star as we haven't been able to come up with a decent title we can all agree on.

The film will be a gritty modern action film in the Heroic Bloodshed tradition featuring gunfights and martial arts. I have written the script and will direct, with Mike Leeder as producer and Philip Ng as action coordinator.

At this years Filmart the project was officially announced to be the first project produced under the auspices of Mike Leeder's new company "Silent Partners" as part of the "Triumphant Film Fund" which is currently coming together with the intention of producing an ongoing slate of movies that will work for both Eastern and Western audiences.

If we were willing to completely sell out and make a generic action movie that might hit the mark in certain areas, we could have probably secured full funding by now, but the major force behind the AVP project has been to make the movie that we want to make, one that would showcase myself as a director, Phil's skill as an action choreographer, and give Vanness, Andy & Phil roles that would stretch them both in the acting and action departments.


We developed this project for a core team that is myself, Mike as producer, Andy, Vanness and Phil and we want to retain the control of the project to do it the right way, without selling out or compromising ourselves.



There has been a lot of projects that started with good intentions that were then heavily compromised when the first offers of money came in, and then the finished project wasn't a fraction of what was intended.


Call us idealistic, but we know what we want to do, and it might take a little longer to lock down full funding while retaining full control, but we all believe in the project.

Here are some quotes from the major players which will feature some compliments for your humble servant that I swear I didn't add myself.

Vanness:"I've always wanted to work with my brothers Phil and Andy after the first time on Star Runner. So this has been a plan of ours since years ago. Now to finally see the steps of this process actually beginning is very exciting. I have full confidence in Phil's action choreography, he's going to blow the minds of many people I'm sure. And as for working with Seamus can't wait to see what he's able to do with a higher budget, more time, and three crazy guys like A.V.P.! I love passion projects...that's why I'm in this business. With that said, till we meet on the silver screen. God bless."


"I like doing action films, and AVP sure has a lot of action in it.  However, to be in an action film with my friends is even better.  I’ve seen Seamus’ short film ‘Somebody to Love’.  I enjoyed the pace and cinematography a lot.  After watching it….I had 2 thoughts. 1. I wish there was more.2. I’d like to work with this guy.  Besides being skilled in kung fu, Phil’s smart, creative, and very well-spoken.  If he described something to me verbally, it’s a clear picture with a detailed frame.  He’s shared some of his ideas with me and I thought those ideas would work really well in a scene.  I could only think of good things as Phil being action director andI'mlooking forward to some fun times."  Mike: 

"A lot of film-makers talk about their passion, their ideals, but very few actually deliver on that promise. Seamus put his money where his mouth was with 'Somebody to Love' and I was very impressed by his work as a director, he knows how to tell a story, the kind of shots he wants, and how to blend action with comedy, drama and storytelling....


We've assembled a solid team for this project, and I have faith that we can deliver something that will be a very entertaining enjoyable ride, and that we don't need to sell out to make the film."

I don't have a whole lot to add to the above so for my part I'll just say I'm excited about working with these guys and I'm confident that "AVP" will be a kick ass action film in the tradition we all love so dearly in HK action cinema.

Also while I have your attention I'm happy to announce that "Somebody to Love" my short film is included as a special feature on the DVD release of the feature film "The Knackery" directed by George Clarke, a Northern Irish film-maker after my own heart. "The Kackery" is great fun with some brilliant martial arts action and I'm very pleased to have "Somebody to Love" as a part of the DVD. The DVD is available to buy online and is well worth the purchase.

I'll leave it there for now. Hope to have good news re: "AVP" very soon so will let you all know when we know!

Thanks to everyone for reading and we hope to have you in the audience for "AVP" in the very near future!

All the best and take care, Seamus

There'll be further news on the project shortly..and am looking forward to working with the AVP team on the project

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  10 评论s  0 shares
Scottiehui 97 scottiehui
YEs! A new Aliens Vs Predator!!...oh wait...
大约 14 年 ago
Really look forward to seeing this! sounds very promising; from seeing the talent in backing the movie.
大约 14 年 ago
Photo 53623
Yes, sounds really great! Wish all the best and can't wait to see it!!!!
大约 14 年 ago
Hussainabdullah 78 img 1018d klein
Good luck and lots of success on this one.
大约 14 年 ago



Hong Kong
April 7, 2008