Official Artist
Mike Leeder
Casting Director , Producer , Magazine Editor
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Korea Korea

Off to Korea in the wee small hours

Action Film Festival and tribute to my Korean godfather Casanova Wong (Wong Ho) superkicking star of Warriors Two, Duel to the Death, Secret Envoy, Bloody Mafia, the Master Strikes and so much more

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stO8Q-b_Uns

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VGxBBaCoH4A&feature=related

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNYu4qZJOqs&feature=related

almost 14 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 72612
Despite the "BS' of certain so called experts and the 'Hwang Jan-lee owns a golf tee factory etc' bs...he doesnt and didnt seem to recall having ever owned one..if Hong Kong Legends/Contender had ever done something with my Hwang jan-lee interview apart from lose it! So much would have been revealed and set a lot of the BS straight.....gonna shoot a bunch of interviews etc with the Korean old school guys in the coming months Ka Sa-fa and co still rock...and the festival has ben kick ass to say the least!
almost 14 years ago
Photo 72612
It frustrates me as it was very much a case of 'mike you must do the interview and fed ex it to us from Korea so we can put it on the Snake In The Eagles Shadow & Drunken master Platinum editions we're prepping now.....still waiting on them....then supposedly Soul Blade licensed the interviews for use on Secret Rivals etc and tapes got mislaid etc...and i am just as gutted as everyone else if not more, especially as i wasnt even able to give Hwang Jan-lee a copy.... Just wrapped at film festival with Casanova Wong, great fun Not asure what format yet, i'm going to shoot the interviews, and probably do text and video release of them...tired of doing DVD extras for so many companies that then just get shortchanged as do the fans.....
almost 14 years ago


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