Mike Leeder
选角导演, 製片人, 杂志编辑
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November Impact

Impact magazine has been at the forefront of eastern and western action

entertainment since 1992. More recently Impact has started looking at anime, manga, video games, comics and all the latest technology to access them.

November 2010

p12 / talk the walk

It looks set to be one of the biggest globally co-ordinated launches 

for an action TV show in recent memory. Impact unearths the evolution of The Walking Dead...

p18 / hong kong horror

Mike Leeder celebrates Hallowe’en by taking a look at some of the classic global and Eastern horror outings. 

p22 / do or die Oh no... we’re all going to die... quickly, let’s split up!  Jill McDole takes a look at the essential survival guide for getting out of your horror action outing intact...

p26 / yellow fever independent film festival

There’s no rest for the wicked. Mike Leeder heads to Stormont to encounter movies, gaming and those inevitable zombies... 

p30 / the right stuff?

Let the Right One In rightly won acclaim for its atmospheric action. 

Now comes the inevitable US remake Let Me In. Does the remake live up or down to undead expectations?

p32 / chow fun fat

In the second part of Impact exclusive conversation with the Eastern 

icon, Chow Yun fat discusses his latest release Confucius... and more.

p36 / austin, texan

To many he’s the successful and controversial wrestler, but in recent 

years he’s been forging a successful career in the movies. John Mosby talks to Steve Austin and finds out why he’ll Hunt to Kill...


p40 / whyte dragon

A lifelong fan of Bruce Lee, Daniel Whyte sets out ‘Tracking the 

Dragon’ in the first of a series of articles which chronicle his adventures as he seeks out various locations from the Little Dragon’s life and films.

p42 / screen savers

It’s the start of TV’s latest action season. Impact begins its preview 

of some of the high-profile titles that are winging their way across the schedules...

p46 / the lost girl

We talk to action-choreographer Paul Rapovski about one of the new TV 

season’s hot action shows, the supernatural The Lost Girl...

p50 / spirited away?

The new series of Spooks has arrived on UK screens... but with less of a

fanfare than previous years. Does the top-ranked spy show still have what it takes?

p54 / japanime

This month our Tokyo Correspondent Andrez Bergen reports on the tragic 

loss of Satoshi Kon, one the most talented anime director/ screenwriters in Japan..

p60 / enslaved - monkey magic

Andy Serkis plays a big monkey (again) in Ninja theory’s Eastern inspired cinematic gaming odyssey.

p64 / the american

Impact previews George Clooney’s new film The American, a mixture of assassinations and arthouse... 

p66 / [far from fragile] stan lee

Beau Smith’s regular monthly column looks at the impact of Marvel’s most famous head honcho, Stan Lee. Excelsior!

p70 / [the deja view] stephen j cannell

Impact was saddened to hear about the passing of one of TV’s most 

prolific and influential creators. We look back at Stephen J Cannell’s career.

p73 / multimedia

A round-up of the latest books, DVDs and games that should be on your shopping list...

p82 / next month

Bruce Willis and Helen Mirren with machine-guns! We look at the success of RED! Plus there’s more from the new TV season...
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Hong Kong
April 7, 2008