Official Artist
Mike Leeder
Casting Director , Producer , Magazine Editor
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SLEEPING DOGS...cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war

The reveal trailer for SLEEPING DOGS has finally been released. This slick cinematic promo features actor/stuntman Brian Ho as the lead, an undercover Cop trying to infiltrate the Hong Kong Triads and bring an end to their reign of crime

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YL9sICxFihs&feature=youtu.be The trailer was put together by the team at Goldtooth Creative, with Marc Stephenson, Kody Samborn and Cinematographer Norm Li...while the high impact fight choreography was courtesy of Mr.Twister himself Darren Shahlavi. While the Hong Kong shoot was produced by myself and Ean Tang (www.screenops.com) and i will proudly say that we all kicked some considerable ass and delivered a hell of a promo...

The game will be released later this year, it began life as TRUE CRIME HONG KONG but has been expanded upon and refined since the original gameplay was revealed....

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UXuryZnis5k&feature=related The game features a hell of a line up of voice talent including a lot of A'ND performers and some incredible gameplay....I actually worked on the game on and off for a couple of years helping with voice talent through various incarnations of the game, and was great to work on the live action trailer too

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RlPb_AkGEyA&feature=fvst for more about the game log onto: http://www.sleepingdogs.net/

over 12 years ago 0 likes  4 comments  0 shares
Haha, beat ya to the Blog Punch ;-)
over 12 years ago
i was pretty annoyed when this got canned, so glad it's been picked up. My interest went up a huge notch when i read in this month's Impact (RIP print edition) some of the talent involved. the live action promo is pretty damn awesome, congrats Mike
over 12 years ago


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