Official Artist
Mike Leeder
Casting Director , Producer , Magazine Editor
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We get knocked down but we get up again!

Apologies for lack of recent blogging

Been a mad few weeks to say the least...sadly the Africa project imploded very messily  and very disappointed and frustrated by the whole situation and some of those involved....not professional guys is bad enough...but the attitude of some folk and you know who you are and what you did....doesnt help the industry in any way or your reputations

Something of a buggar as 5 months work gone to waste, and actually had turned down a couple of other projects to work on this..but learnt a lot, and made some good connections in Congo & South Africa etc and managed to pick up far too many IFD movies during the last trip!

But a number of things in the works including quite possibly one of the coolest projects to come along in a long time, more news on that soon

Also had the chance to catch up with a number of cool folk including former HK movie journeyman Robin Shou from Mortal kombat, the great Kane Kosugi son of Ninja master Sho Kosugi, and my Korean godfather and superkicking fella Casanova Wong from Warriors Two....which was great

Casanova Wong

Video: http://www.google.com.hk/url?q=http://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3DC02zx53c5PY&sa=U&ei=FcCaTNP1Fo7yvQOv18SNDQ&ved=0CCkQtwIwBw&usg=AFQjCNHYxppfXIiZV7818S8IjrrRtK7VVA

Kane Kosugi

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QKLRXmvARJM Robin Shou

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8IoFABgJi9U&feature=related

Happy Mid Autumn Festival

Now I'm off to catch up with Alan Dean Foster...and if you dont know who he is, i suggest you pick up some of his books!

about 14 years ago 0 likes  9 comments  0 shares
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
woah, i've never seen Robin Shou w/ short hair before! Liu Kang before he went hippie!
about 14 years ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
Casanova... it takes big ones to name yourself Casanova!
about 14 years ago
Photo 402234
Great videos Mike! Kane is amazing! And I definitely look forward to his next vehicle which is long overdue! Wish you all the best! David
about 14 years ago
Photo 72612
Ms. Scarlet, thank you for uploading the pic Yeah 'The Most Wanted' with Lau Ching-wan saw the intro of the long haired Robin...good litle movie , lau's the undercover Cop chasing Robin's mainland Chinese villain.. Robin looks younger than ever with his short hair, and the Indonesian movie he did 'Pirate Brothers' looks like a return to full on 80's style HK action by Robin Yes Alan Dean Foster rocks, 60 something and currently off scuba diving in Borneo Casanova lives up to his name.,..thanks to joseph lai & IFD for the English name....from Wong Ho, to Ca-Sa-Va to Casanova Wong
about 14 years ago


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