Are you ready for Clockenflap? This is my first time to perform and I'll be playing on Nov 27th (Sun) from 6:00-7:30pm at Electiq Stage! I'm so glad to have my friend VJ Ferrous to perform live visuals mixing for my set! He is the founder of Design Outhere, he performs live visuals realtime mixing for a diverse range of projects since 2006 and just finished "Another Eason’s Live" World Tour and returning to Clockenflap this year again. I'm SUPER EXCITED!!!
你哋準備好去Clockenflap未呀?今年係我第一次演出,我將會喺十一月二十七號星期日下午六點至七點半喺Electriq Stage打碟!好開心仲會有我嘅好朋友VJ Ferrous為我即場混合視覺影像效果!佢係Design Outhere 嘅創辦人,自2006年以來,為各種各樣嘅項目執行實時混合,他啱啱完成咗Another Eason’s Live世界巡迴演出,今年再次加入Clockenflap演出。我好興奮呀!