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Miss Yellow
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DJMissYellow Limited Edition Headphones

The official launch party for these headphones is on Aug. 22nd at @KEECLUB! Those who pre-order will receive a VIP invitation for two! What really makes this project special is that all profits will go towards hearing aids for low-income elderly in Hong Kong who are struggling with hearing loss. Online retailer @phatricegoods a Hong Kong based startup that features and promotes ethical and sustainable products, has partnered with Miss Yellow to feature, promote and sell the headphones on their platform. Through a special program between PhatRice and well known Hong Kong charity Po Leung Kuk, all of the resulting profit from sales will go directly to providing high quality hearing aids in their elderly care community. DJ Miss Yellow 限量耳罩式耳機

耳機的正式開賣派對將於 8月22日,在Kee Club舉行。 凡預購耳機即可收到兩張派對的邀請函!

這個企劃最特別的就是,所有的盈利將捐贈給在香港低收入且有聽力耗損問題的長輩們,提供他們助聽器。網路零售商,PhatRice發米,是一個以關懷社會及提倡不傷環境的產品的香港公司。他們與Miss Yellow合作,並在PhatRice發米的網路平台推廣和銷售 @lstnheadphones 的耳罩式耳機。經由在香港很有名的慈善團體保良局,PhatRice發米將所有的盈利直接捐贈出去,提供老人社區高品質的助聽器。 http://www.phatrice.com/canyouhearus

about 9 years ago 223 likes  0 comment  0 shares


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April 19, 2007