For mer model and TVB actress, Wong Yat Tung a.k.a. Miss Yellow is one of Hong Kong’s premier female DJs.***Her style of mixing and tune selection have made her a favourite amongst the clubbing circuits in Asia.DJ Miss Yellow talks to Nee Hao****Miss Yellow has been in love with music since she was a toddler, she entered singing competitions as a teenager. At 18 she started modeling after being discovered by a modelling scout. She entered the Miss Hong Kong Beauty Pageant shortly thereafter, thus started her career as an actress in TVB, Hong Kong’s major television network. In her 8 years with TVB, she has been in countless movies, TV series, music shows, travelogues and variety programs that have been broadcasted all over Asia.In the past few years, her love and passion for music has continued to grow. Being a longtime fan and collector of electro, breakbeats, house, hip hop and R&B, she decided to invest in DJ equipment and learned how to mix and blend her favourite music, with a little help from her mentor, HK’s own DJ Ryan Li. In her first year of DJing, she was booked in various high profile clubs all over Hong Kong, and held private parties at Club Magazine, with guests such as international movie star Zhou Xun and acclaimed photographer Wing Shya.How did you first get into DJing?I was in the midst of shooting a new TV series, when I found out I had a new passion for mixing music. I want to devote time for music in my life and Djing allows me to fulfil that dream.What do you prefer turntables or CDJs?I prefer turntables, the touch of vinyl just feels better to me. But for small clubs I prefer CDJs, because there are no needles, so the songs will run more smoothly, it makes me feel safer when the people bounce in front of me.What countries have you done gigs in?I’ve been to Malaysia, Australia, Taiwan, Macau and many different places in China.What’s the nicest venue you have played in?All the venues have been really nice so far, they all have different styles. I’m lucky!!, although I think the interaction between me and the audience is more important. I feel good when they scream!!Any places that you would like to play at?Europe, UK, Japan, Korea, USA, Canada, Dubai, Indonesia… actually I wanna play all over the world, meet more good people and share my love.What are your musical influences both Chinese and Western?I can understand the lyrics of Chinese songs 100%, so I can get into it very easily, but for Western songs, I learn more about the musical instruments, rhythms, cultures, etc. There are many differences between Chinese and Western music.Do you still do any acting?Yes, if there is a good script and role. I’m waiting.>##In the UK Chinese community we have our own DJ Lazyellow, would you like to come play a gig here and maybe a collaboration?*
What kind of clothes do you wear when DJing, style or comfort?Both. Also it depends on my mood or the DJs who play with me, like last time when I played with 2Many DJs, I knew they usually wear suits, so I wore black and white stripes to match them.2Many DJs with Miss YellowWhat is your favourite tune at the moment in your set?“Baby I’m yours” by BreakbotWhat are your future plans?Ummm…. usually I don’t plan too much, it’s more exciting for me to just go with the flow, God will plan for me anyway. I’m having a tour in Europe soon, also I’m going to learn drums, let’s see what will happen.How do you relax after playing a gig?Get wasted, hahaha…. nahhh….. I will go to meet nature, eat some good food, take some great pictures, and hang out with my good friendsIf you want to know more about DJ Miss Yellow go to go to the official Facebook page and ‘like it’ |
Miss Yellow﹐是香港頂級女唱片騎師之一﹐以前也是無線電視演員以及香港模特兒。***她獨特的音樂精選和混音風格讓她成為亞洲最喜愛的唱片騎師。NeeHao(你好雜誌)與DJ
Miss Yellow傾談對話****Miss
Magazine舉辦兩場私人派對﹐客人包括國際明星周迅和著名攝影師夏永康(Wing Shya)。妳怎樣開始打碟?當時我在拍新電視劇﹐然後發現自己其實非常熱
的風格。我好幸運!!﹐但是﹐我覺得最重要的是我與觀眾之間的相互作用。 聽到他們尖叫﹐我就舒服了!!妳有冇地方想去表演?歐洲、英國、日本、韓國、美國、加拿大、迪拜、印度尼西亞... 其實﹐我想在世界各地打碟表演﹐認識更多好人﹐還有分享我的愛。妳被什麼音樂影響﹐中國和西方音樂?我是百分百﹐完全明白到中文歌的歌詞﹐所以好容易就聽得明。但是西方音樂呢﹐我能夠學到更多關於樂器﹐節奏和文化等等。中國和西方音樂之間有很多不同的地方。妳還演戲嗎?有﹐如果有好劇本和好角色嘅話。我在等著。>##在英國的中華社會裡面﹐我們有自己的DJ
Lazyellow vs DJ Miss Yellow的拼合﹐聽起來很有趣!! 很久都沒有去英國了﹐所以我都好想去會見你哋。記住看著呢度吧。 妳打碟的時候﹐妳喜歡穿著什麼衣服﹐靚 衫或是舒服衫?兩樣都著。其實﹐也要睇吓我嘅心情或者睇吓跟我一齊打碟的DJ﹐就像上一次咁﹐我與2Many DJs表演的時候﹐我知道他們通常會穿着西裝﹐所以我就著黑白條紋配合他們。2Many DJs和Miss Yellow妳現在的曲目裡面﹐妳最喜歡的歌曲是什 麼?"Baby I'm Yours" 主唱Breakbot妳將來的計劃是什麼?Ummm... 平時都冇乜點計劃﹐對我來說﹐順其自然更刺激。此外﹐上帝會為我安排好一切。我好快就會去歐洲旅遊﹐而且會學打鼓﹐睇吓將來會點啦。表演之後﹐妳怎樣輕鬆自己呢?飲酒飲到醉﹐哈哈哈....nahh... 我會出去看看大自然﹐食啲好嘢﹐影吓相﹐還有跟好友聚一聚。如果想知更多關於DJ Miss Yellow嘅話﹐請到或者到Facebook的官方網頁﹐並按'like it' | 黄泆潼﹐又名DJ Miss Yellow﹐是香港顶级女唱片骑师之一﹐以前也是无线电视演员以及香港模特儿。***她独特的音乐精选和混音风格让她成为亚洲最喜爱的唱片骑师。NeeHao(你好杂志)与DJ Miss Yellow倾谈对话********Miss Yellow自幼喜爱音乐﹐中学时也参加过歌唱比赛。18岁时被星探发掘,开始做模特儿,不久后参加香港小姐选举,开始了在香港无线电视台的演员生涯。在 TVB的8年裡,她演了无数的电视剧和电影,她还拍摄了许多电视节目、旅游节目、音乐演出等过去几年,她对音乐的热爱与日俱增。作为电子、breakbeat、house、嘻哈和R&B音乐的长久粉丝﹐她决定投资购买唱片骑师的设备﹐并且在DJ Ryan的指导下﹐学会怎样混合自己喜欢的音乐。打碟的第一年﹐她被香港各地的着名夜总会邀请演出﹐并在Club Magazine举办两场私人派对﹐客人包括国际明星周迅和著名摄影师夏永康(Wing Shya)。妳怎样开始打碟?当时我在拍新电视剧﹐然后发现自己其实非常热爱混音。我想用多点时间去制造音乐﹐而打碟就让我完成这个愿望。妳比较喜欢用唱盘或是CDJs?我喜欢用唱盘多点﹐因为我比较喜欢胶唱碟的感觉。但是﹐在小间夜总会打碟时 ﹐我喜欢用CDJs﹐因为没(唱盘)针﹐所以播放音乐会比较顺点。见到人在我面前跳﹐令我感到更安全。妳曾经在那个国家表演过?**我去过马来西亚、澳洲、台湾、澳门、还有国内很多地方。* *在妳曾经表演过的场地之中﹐哪里是最好的?* 至今﹐所有场地都非常好﹐各种场地都拥有不同的风格。我很幸运!!﹐但是﹐我觉得最重要的是我与观众之间的相互作用。 听到他们尖叫﹐我就舒服了!!*妳有没有地方想去表演?欧洲、英国、日本、韩国、美国、加拿大、迪拜、印度尼西亚... 其实﹐我想在世界各地打碟表演﹐认识更多好人﹐还有分享我的爱。妳被什么音乐影响﹐中国和西方音乐?我是百分百﹐完全明白到中文歌的歌词﹐所以好容易就听得明。但是西方音乐呢﹐我能够学到更多关于乐器﹐节奏和文化等等。中国和西方音乐之间有很多不同的地方。妳还演戏吗?有﹐如果有好剧本和好角色的话。我在等着。***
*妳打碟的时候﹐妳喜欢穿着什么衣服﹐漂亮的还是舒服的?两样都穿。其实﹐也要看看我的心情或者看看跟我一齐打碟的DJ﹐就像上一次那样﹐我与2Many DJs表演的时候﹐我知道他们通常会穿着西装﹐所以我就穿黑白条纹配合他们。* 2Many DJs和Miss Yellow*妳现在的曲目裡面﹐妳最喜欢的歌曲是什麽?"Baby I'm Yours" 主唱Breakbot妳将来的计划是什麽?Ummm... 平时都没怎么计划﹐对我来说﹐顺其自然更刺激。此外﹐上帝会为我安排好一切。我好快就会去欧洲旅游﹐而且会学打鼓﹐看看将来会怎样啦。表演之后﹐妳怎样轻松自己呢?**喝酒喝到醉﹐哈哈哈....nahh... 我会出去看看大自然﹐食点好东西﹐照照相﹐还有跟好友聚一聚。* 如果想知更多关于DJ Miss Yellow的话﹐请到或者到Facebook的官方网页﹐并按'like it'********