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Lomography Magazine Interview


» LomoAmigos##DJ MISS YELLOW Traveling with Lomo LC-A+ Written by   edwinchau , published on  七月 26, 2010 , with 3 XihuanTags: powergirlsundergroundanalogueDJmusic,and  hong kongName: DJ MI$$ YELLOW**** Home  missyellowLink  http://www.alivenotdead.com/tungtungCamera  Lomo LC-A+*###DJ MI$$ YELLOW (Wong Yat Tung) is a renowned Hong Kong model, actress and television star. Being passionate about music ever since a toddler, in recent years she has fallen in love with the art of mixing songs. She has also performed at many venues all over the world as DJ Miss Yellow while taking many magnificent snap shots using a Lomographic camera, documenting the most Analogue Lifestyle with practical experience! Name:          Wong Yat Tung aka MI$$ YELLOW Location:       Hong Kong Country:        China1. Can you tell us a bit about how you came from being an artist/actress to being DJ Miss Yellow? 

One year, I had to shoot a very long television series. I wasn’t allowed to leave Hong Kong and wasn’t allowed to accept any other jobs, so to prevent myself from wasting time, I decided to learn how to DJ from a friend. I only did it for interest. Afterwards, I thought it was quite fun so I started buying the equipment. And then slowly, people started asking me to DJ at their party, and it’s been like that since. I only rediscovered my direction towards music after being in a maze. Not only did I find music, I also found myself and I’m using music to entertain other people, which also satisfy my desires to perform.2. How long have you been a Lomographer? And under what circumstances did you become familiar with Lomography?

I got my first Fisheye No.1 camera several years ago. At the time, some of my friends were playing around with cameras that had lots of lenses, and that’s how I learned about it.3. If you were to select a few songs to go with the photos here, which 3 songs would you inevitably choose (Song/Artist)? Paradise Circus - Massive Attack*Paradise Circus – Massive Attack *As We Enter - Damian Marley & Nas *Get On Down – Voodoo Chilli1/28 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow4. DJ-ing and Lomography are both analogue things. What kind of influence does analogue culture have towards your interests and livelihood?

This gives me an interesting topic to talk about with my friends and I can build a conversation on it. Everyone respects this type of culture. From it, we learn to understand and appreciate each other. I think this is very helpful for our own well-being. I’m liking RAW a lot more.5. When you first used LC-A Instant Black+, what was the feeling like? Do you still remember what photo you took?

Wow. The feeling was amazing. The LC-A Instant Black+ was just like a Transformer! This kind of two-in-one thing is really hard to resist. The first thing I did was shoot lots of pictures of myself. Hah, and then I started to do magic tricks for my friends to see. I would press the Instant Black button and then when the photo came out, everyone thought it was really amazing!6. If, right now, you could take a LC-A+ and LC-A Instant Black+ to any place in the world, where would you go? And why?

I’d go to the Uyuli Salt Flats in Bolivia, South America, to take photos of mother nature. Left to right, top to bottom, 360° of sky, from daylight to sunset, the colors will definitely be beautiful!1/27 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow7. The Fisheye photos you’ve taken are very interesting. When do you like using the Fisheye? And what photos do you like to take with the LC-A+?

I think that the Fisheye is best used for capturing photos with lots of expressions. I take it with me when I hang out with my mischievous friends. I like to use the LC-A+ to take photos of my own feelings, sometimes a little abstract, sometimes happy, sometimes lonely.8. Can you share 3 of the craziest, most unforgettable, most Lomographic moments with us?

Craziest moment – I have terrible skills at loading the film into the camera. One time, I asked a friend in Macau to especially come over and help me load the film for my Fisheye No.2 that I’d just received.

Most unforgettable – My first successful overlapping photo of my brothers proposing. Both of their expressions were on the same photo, I like it very much.

The most Lomo thing – Taking a photo of the shop assistant at the Lomography Gallery Story with a Lomo camera.9. 你最喜歡拍攝的題材 / 對象是甚麼?


最喜歡拍下自己的記憶,對象都是酷的人或是建築物或是風景或是塗鴉或是感覺。1/18 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow10. What are your plans for the near future? Can you tell us if you’re going to be doing any interesting projects?

My future plans include DJing in places I haven’t been before, absorb more, learn more, know more friends from different places around the world, and enjoy life a little more. Recently, I did a mixtape for a shoe brand. Many other DJs took part as well. I really want to listen to their work. Also, I’m going to take pictures of a photographer I really admire, so exciting!11. Can you tell us a little more about your interesting project, the Mixtape? Usually when you go to different places to DJ, have you had any memorable/scary or exciting things that have happened?

The latest Mixtape was collaborated with CIPHER and we made a mini Mixtape – the theme was Hong Kong. You can click into the website and have a look at the introduction about me and how I was inspired to do what I’m doing. I think that this MIXTAPE is very masculine, please feel free to leave me comments. I remember a scary incident I had. I was in Macau for the 2MANY DJS event as the guest performer. There was still 10 minutes before they’d finished their set and while I was setting up, I couldn’t find 2 CDs that I needed to DJ with. I went back to my hotel room and couldn’t find them. In my mind I thought, this time I’m in big trouble. Even if I caught a helicopter back to Hong Kong I couldn’t get back in time… afterwards, some staff members found the CDs, that was so scary!Related links:*CIPHER – MI$$ YELLOW *GIRLZ POW!! |


» LomoAmigos##DJ MISS YELLOW Traveling with Lomo LC-A+ 由  edwinchau 編寫,於  七月 26, 2010 刊登,和3 喜歡**標籤* powergirlsundergroundanalogueDJmusic,和 hong kong **名字* DJ MI$$ YELLOW **Home* missyellow **連結* http://www.alivenotdead.com/tungtung **相機* Lomo LC-A+###DJ MI$$ YELLOW(黃泆潼)為模特兒、電影及電視演員。熱愛音樂的她近年愛上創作混音歌曲,並以 DJ MIss Yellow 名義獲邀於各地的派對場地演出表演,期間以 Lomographic 相機紀錄下眾多精彩畫面,以實際行動體驗出最 Analogue 的 Lifestyle! 名字:黃泆潼 aka MI$$ YELLOW

城市:Hong Kong

國家:China1. 可以說說你是怎樣從藝人變成 DJ Miss Yellow 呢?某年要拍一套長劇,不得離港,不准接Job,為了不想浪費時間,我便跟朋學打碟,只是為興趣。然後我覺得好玩,便開始買器材,慢慢便有人找我打Party,直到現在。我和音樂都在迷宮裏找回對方,我不但找到音樂,還找回自己,就用音樂去娛樂人,兼滿足自己的表演慾吧。 2. 你成為 Lomographer 多久了?又是在甚麼情況下認識 Lomography 的呢? 


第一部是幾年前的  Fisheye No.1 ,那時候有些朋友玩多鏡相機,就此結緣啦。3. 如果你在這裡的照片配上音樂,哪三首歌是必然之選呢 (Song / Artist)? Paradise Circus – Massive Attack *As We Enter - Damian Marley & Nas *Get On Down – Voodoo Chilli1/28 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow4. DJ 跟 Lomography 都是 analogue 的事情,analogue culture 對你的生活和興趣有甚麼影響?*


這樣我跟朋友的話題都比較有趣和有建設性,大家亦尊重這文化,從而懂得互相欣賞對方,我覺得對個人修養有幫助。喜歡 Raw 的感覺亦越來越強烈。5. 第一次使用  LC-A Instant Back+ 有甚麼感覺?又記得你拍了甚麼嗎? 


嘩,感覺神奇,  LC-A Instant Back+ 居然像 Transformer 一樣! 這樣的二合一真的好難抗拒,第一時間都係狂影自己,哈跟著開始表演魔術給朋友睇,我會給他們按 Instant back 的掣,看着相片走出來大家都覺得好 Amazing 啊!6. 如果你現在可以在帶  LC-A+ 和  LC-A Instant Back+ 到世界任何一個地方,你會去那兒?為甚麼呢?


我會去南美洲玻利維亞烏尤尼鹽原,要拍下大自然的鏡子, 360 度上下左右都是天空,由藍天拍到黃昏,顏色一定好靚!1/27 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow7. 你拍的 Fisheye 相片都十分有趣,你會喜歡在甚麼時候使用 Fisheye 呢?你又喜歡用 LC-A+ 拍甚麼?


我覺得拍  Fisheye 最好表情多多,所以當我跟我的跳皮朋友hang out時我便帶它; 用  LC-A+ 都是拍下自己的感覺,抽象一點,有時開心,有時寂寞。8. 可以跟我們分享三件做過最瘋狂、最難忘、最 Lomographic 的事情?最瘋狂 – 我入菲林的技術超爛,有一次叫朋友專程從澳門來幫我初到手的 Fisheye No. 2入菲林。 *最難忘 – 第一次成功拍了弟兄求婚時的重疊照,他倆的表情都在一張相上,十個Like *最LOMO的事情 – 在  Lomography Gallery Store 裏給店員用LOMO相機拍照9. 你最喜歡拍攝的題材 / 對象是甚麼?*


最喜歡拍下自己的記憶,對象都是酷的人或是建築物或是風景或是塗鴉或是感覺。1/18 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow10. 未來會有甚麼計劃?又可以講講你有在做一些有趣的 project 嗎?


未來計劃到還未到過的地方打碟,吸收多點和認識更多不同地方的朋友,多享受一點生命。最近為一個鞋的品牌造了個  Mixtape ,其中有多個DJ參與,好想聽他們的作品,還會給一位我很喜愛的攝影師拍照,so exciting!11. 可多點介紹 Mixtape 這有趣的 project 嗎? 你平常到不同地方表演打碟又有沒有甚麼難忘 / 驚險刺激的事?最新的一個 Mixtape,跟 CIPHER 合作的一個 Mini Mixtape — 主題是香港。大家可以 Click 入  這網址 ,裡面都有介紹我的靈感從何而來。我覺得這 MIXTAPE 很男性,多多指教。驚險的事,是在澳門為 2MANY DJS 做嘉賓,還有十分鐘他們就要完了,我SET UP的時候找不到兩隻DJ專用CD,我走上酒店房又找不到,心想今次大鑊了,坐直升機返香港也趕不了…之後有些工作人員給我找到,十分驚險!相關連結:*CIPHER – MI$$ YELLOW *GIRLZ POW!! |


» LomoAmigos##DJ MISS YELLOW Traveling with Lomo LC-A+ 由  edwinchau 編寫,於  七月 26, 2010 刊登,和3 喜歡**標籤* powergirlsundergroundanalogueDJmusic,和 hong kong **名字* DJ MI$$ YELLOW **Home* missyellow **連結* http://www.alivenotdead.com/tungtung **相機* Lomo LC-A+###DJ MI$$ YELLOW(黃泆潼)為模特兒、電影及電視演員。熱愛音樂的她近年愛上創作混音歌曲,並以 DJ MIss Yellow 名義獲邀於各地的派對場地演出表演,期間以 Lomographic 相機紀錄下眾多精彩畫面,以實際行動體驗出最 Analogue 的 Lifestyle! 名字:黃泆潼 aka MI$$ YELLOW

城市:Hong Kong

國家:China1. 可以說說你是怎樣從藝人變成 DJ Miss Yellow 呢?某年要拍一套長劇,不得離港,不准接Job,為了不想浪費時間,我便跟朋學打碟,只是為興趣。然後我覺得好玩,便開始買器材,慢慢便有人找我打Party,直到現在。我和音樂都在迷宮裏找回對方,我不但找到音樂,還找回自己,就用音樂去娛樂人,兼滿足自己的表演慾吧。 2. 你成為 Lomographer 多久了?又是在甚麼情況下認識 Lomography 的呢? 


第一部是幾年前的  Fisheye No.1 ,那時候有些朋友玩多鏡相機,就此結緣啦。3. 如果你在這裡的照片配上音樂,哪三首歌是必然之選呢 (Song / Artist)? Paradise Circus – Massive Attack *As We Enter - Damian Marley & Nas *Get On Down – Voodoo Chilli1/28 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow4. DJ 跟 Lomography 都是 analogue 的事情,analogue culture 對你的生活和興趣有甚麼影響?*


這樣我跟朋友的話題都比較有趣和有建設性,大家亦尊重這文化,從而懂得互相欣賞對方,我覺得對個人修養有幫助。喜歡 Raw 的感覺亦越來越強烈。5. 第一次使用  LC-A Instant Back+ 有甚麼感覺?又記得你拍了甚麼嗎? 


嘩,感覺神奇,  LC-A Instant Back+ 居然像 Transformer 一樣! 這樣的二合一真的好難抗拒,第一時間都係狂影自己,哈跟著開始表演魔術給朋友睇,我會給他們按 Instant back 的掣,看着相片走出來大家都覺得好 Amazing 啊!6. 如果你現在可以在帶  LC-A+ 和  LC-A Instant Back+ 到世界任何一個地方,你會去那兒?為甚麼呢?


我會去南美洲玻利維亞烏尤尼鹽原,要拍下大自然的鏡子, 360 度上下左右都是天空,由藍天拍到黃昏,顏色一定好靚!1/27 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow7. 你拍的 Fisheye 相片都十分有趣,你會喜歡在甚麼時候使用 Fisheye 呢?你又喜歡用 LC-A+ 拍甚麼?


我覺得拍  Fisheye 最好表情多多,所以當我跟我的跳皮朋友hang out時我便帶它; 用  LC-A+ 都是拍下自己的感覺,抽象一點,有時開心,有時寂寞。8. 可以跟我們分享三件做過最瘋狂、最難忘、最 Lomographic 的事情?最瘋狂 – 我入菲林的技術超爛,有一次叫朋友專程從澳門來幫我初到手的 Fisheye No. 2入菲林。 *最難忘 – 第一次成功拍了弟兄求婚時的重疊照,他倆的表情都在一張相上,十個Like *最LOMO的事情 – 在  Lomography Gallery Store 裏給店員用LOMO相機拍照9. 你最喜歡拍攝的題材 / 對象是甚麼?*


最喜歡拍下自己的記憶,對象都是酷的人或是建築物或是風景或是塗鴉或是感覺。1/18 ⋅ 前一幅相片 ⋅ 下一幅相片 ⋅ 開始 slideshow10. 未來會有甚麼計劃?又可以講講你有在做一些有趣的 project 嗎?


未來計劃到還未到過的地方打碟,吸收多點和認識更多不同地方的朋友,多享受一點生命。最近為一個鞋的品牌造了個  Mixtape ,其中有多個DJ參與,好想聽他們的作品,還會給一位我很喜愛的攝影師拍照,so exciting!11. 可多點介紹 Mixtape 這有趣的 project 嗎? 你平常到不同地方表演打碟又有沒有甚麼難忘 / 驚險刺激的事?最新的一個 Mixtape,跟 CIPHER 合作的一個 Mini Mixtape — 主題是香港。大家可以 Click 入  這網址 ,裡面都有介紹我的靈感從何而來。我覺得這 MIXTAPE 很男性,多多指教。驚險的事,是在澳門為 2MANY DJS 做嘉賓,還有十分鐘他們就要完了,我SET UP的時候找不到兩隻DJ專用CD,我走上酒店房又找不到,心想今次大鑊了,坐直升機返香港也趕不了…之後有些工作人員給我找到,十分驚險!相關連結:*CIPHER – MI$$ YELLOW *GIRLZ POW!!

大约 14 年 前 0 赞s  1 评论  0 shares
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i didn't realize there was a Lomo magazine in HK!
大约 14 年 ago


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Hong Kong
April 19, 2007