演员, DJ, 歌手
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The Most Glorious Memories|最荣耀的回忆|最荣耀的回忆

I’ve always enjoyed pursuing the glitz and glamour. As soon as I graduated, I became a model and then I entered the entertainment industry. Several years passed by and I matured with time, but it seemed as though that I wasn’t making much of a breakthrough. I didn’t want to waste anymore time so I started to learn about being a DJ.

Initially, it was just an interest. Who knew that my burning desire had always been towards music?

After being a DJ for two years, results have been pretty good so far. I was even fortunate enough to be invited to perform in Australia.

I’m finally the leading character! This world tour was DJ MISS YELLOW’s world tour~ friends in Australia came to the event because of me. I arrived at the event in a Lamborghini and I saw a long queue of people that looked like a snake waiting to get in. I honestly couldn’t believe my eyes. What I saw at the time, other people might envy me for it, but to me, the most important thing is the response and feedback from the audience. If my name is known but I perform terribly in reality, then even if you give me a rocket to ride to the event, what good is that going to do?

Fortunately, I made a break out of Asia this time and the audience was very enthusiastic. 2,000 people attended the event, everyone danced and sang together, and hearing the cheering sounds from the crowd was truly a glorious moment.

And what made me think back at this glorious moment? Two songs.

Following the release of their previous song called《Camaraderie -手足情深》, I’ve always kept an eye on what the Chivas Knights have been doing. Recently they released their second EP with a main theme of glory. In their EP, they have a song called《Days of Honor -光榮歲月》and another song collaborated with Kenji Wu called《Glory -榮耀》.

The beat and melody in《Days of Honor -光榮歲月》is very fast, and I really like the HIP HOP and BAND elements that are mixed in with the song. The feeling I get when I listen to the song is like, I want to share this music with you all. The most important thing is your response and feedback.

And this time, the remix version was produced by DJ STEVE ANGELLO. When you drink Chivas, will you drink it straight or will you add green tea? Have it how you like it! It’s like one song with two flavors, just like Chivas.

Be quick and share the gloryhttp://www.chivas.com.cn | 一直喜歡追求多姿多采的我,一畢業就當了模特兒,然後加入娛樂圈,經過這些年,人是長大了,但好像沒什麼突破。為了不浪費時間,我學打碟起來。



    終於做主角了!今次的巡迴,是DJ MISS YELLOW的巡迴啊~ 澳洲的朋友都為了我的名字而來,坐著林寶堅尼進場,看著如水蛇春般的長龍,我當時亦不能至信。這些眼前的東西,別人看到可能好羨慕,但對於我來說,觀眾的反應和共鳴才是最重要的,有名無實,給我坐火箭進場又如何?




    《光榮歲月》無論曲調和節奏都很明快,我還是很喜歡裡頭夾集著HIP HOP跟BAND的元素。聽這首歌,感覺就像好想跟你們分享音樂一樣,有你的共鳴才是最重要。

    而REMIX版今次是DJ STEVE ANGELLO一手包辦,喝CHIVAS你會淨飲還是加綠茶?隨你喜歡吧!一首歌兩種味道,好像CHIVAS一樣。

    快分享這份榮耀吧! http://www.chivas.com.cn | 一直喜欢追求多姿多采的我,一毕业就当了模特儿,然后加入娱乐圈,经过这些年,人是长大了,但好像没什么突破。为了不浪费时间,我学打碟起来。



    终于做主角了!今次的巡迴,是DJ MISS YELLOW的巡迴啊~ 澳洲的朋友都为了我的名字而来,坐着林宝坚尼进场,看着如水蛇春般的长龙,我当时亦不能至信。这些眼前的东西,别人看到可能好羡慕,但对于我来说,观众的反应和共鸣才是最重要的,有名无实,给我坐火箭进场又如何?




    《光荣岁月》无论曲调和节奏都很明快,我还是很喜欢裡头夹集着HIP HOP跟BAND的元素。听这首歌,感觉就像好想跟你们分享音乐一样,有你的共鸣才是最重要。

    而REMIX版今次是DJ STEVE ANGELLO一手包办,喝CHIVAS你会淨饮还是加绿茶?随你喜欢吧!一首歌两种味道,好像CHIVAS一样。

    快分享这份荣耀吧! http://www.chivas.com.cn

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WWW.MISS-YELLOW.COM Bookings: bookings@miss-yellow.com


Hong Kong
April 19, 2007