Here I am yes, I know! I have completely disappeared off the map and well have been working on a couple of things. MOSTLY . . . Charity work and helping where I can raise funds. I think I've come to a place in my life where I look back and think, for the last 15 years of being in the spotlight and working with fabulous talents as well as the honor of meeting some of the entertainment industry's most important figures around. . . I am blessed and possibly learned all I've needed too, its strange but really feel that now is time for a real change so the first step was some ME TIME :)taken at Sunsetbay, Philippines after a meditation session whilst watching the sunset
Me time included golf lesson!! first time for everything!!All this ME TIME took a couple of months . . . I'm turning the big 30 in a couple of months and have begun to make some life changes. The main one, no more life in the fast lane. The most important things is to take care of Mind, the Body and Spirit. Once those are all in sync . . . well then, just about anything is possible.
So I put myself to work on a couple of things. First one, POWER GIRLS . . . this is a little network I set up for women young and old who are empowering each other that gather to inspire, help and
support one another to achieve our goals, passions and hidden desires. I started this out with only 3 women in the first gathering and now it has grown to a full 65 members and weekly growing.
Power Girls Gathering in January 2009
some of the Power Girls at our Hot Pot Dinner gathering, we meet twice a month to keep the momentum fresh and up to date.
Power Girls, Indian Dinner Night
This group is very important to me, it was created from a place of something I felt a lot of women were missing in Hong Kong. The gathering with the ladies is where we all can have the freedom to share
our thoughts on different topics. One might be about setting up a
business, another might be lack of clients and how to help, another
might be about something really personal and so on . . . Topics can
include but not limited too: budgeting, investing, time management,
entrepreneurship, career options, health & fitness, fearless
speaking, money, family, children and so on. To sum things up, we have become a tight support network that keeps growing and I hope will continue to grow.
On another note . . . some other things have happened. . . here they are to name a few
I lost my Blacky Boy to old age, and said goodbye after having my younger brother (yes the dog) for a good 13 years of my life, it was possibly one of the hardest goodbyes ever. I now have his ashes . . .
.. . .. ....
taken at New Years Eve :) Silly I KNOWI've now gotten my confidence back in the art world and have started a couple things, seemingly its going to take a while before they can surface, as right now I'm in the Research and Development stage, however . . . soon enough . . . I'll give the little previews :) Some of you don't know but I started out my career in 1997 when I met Johnson Tsang of Hanart TZ Gallery, possibly one of the most prestigious and well respected galleries in Asia specializing in Contemporary Chinese Art. Now I'm going back to where my career started and well the artistic side of me will be popping out soon enough . . .
. . . something else I'm involved in . . . soon to launch specializing in
Chauffered Rolls Royce Services . . .let me know if you want to know more about this one! And finally before I go to sleep, wanted to thank those that have been supportive with the changes I've been making, YOU ROCK!!!
and for now . . .
MissyK* signing off xx
Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!