Ifat Kafry
Art Director , Model
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2010 I like that number!

Wow looking back ten years, since the millennium how things have changed, how much I've done, accomplished, the people we've lost, the ones we gained, changes how they happen everyday and without thinking about it here we are ten years later . . .

So, this is where we are the start of 2010, looking back and then now looking forward, what are your new years resolutions? mine are: to be kinder to people, to keep giving to charity (giving in many forms not just monetary), to remain truthful to myself,  to remember i can't please everyone and that no one can hurt me unless I give them permission to, to follow my passion, to wake up with a smile - no matter what i'm blessed, To overall, remember that without realizing it 10 years has passed so quickly that each day, should count. This year is going to be a good one!

Wishing everyone at AnD the best 2010, filled with much love, joy, laughter and happiness!!

Signing off for now,


about 15 years ago 0 likes  10 comments  0 shares
very beautifull shot !!!
about 15 years ago
Photo 559361
Hi there! Wow 10 years in HK for me! An incredible journey for me and only the beginning! I\'ve learned to be humble and treat people with kindness. Afterall it comes back to you! Are you working on any projects at the moment? Good luck with your career! Abraham!
over 14 years ago


Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!

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