It has taken a real long time it seems but yes . . . finally am married! which is probably why I haven't been able to update my blog or work for the last couple of months . . . We got married on October 25th, 2009 in the most North part of Phuket at a private villa with only 60 of our closest friends and family . . .
After a ten year relationship and possibly the worlds longest engagement of seven years, it was a initmate Jewish Wedding and Ceremony with those that were our nearest and dearest there to celebrate with us. A lot of tears were had by all throughout the whole celebrations . . . it was simply one of the most special times in our life, we had all our special people sharing the dance floor for the first time in our ten years together. That alone was truely special. Here are some photos to sum up the whole Wedding day.
Walking with my parents to the aisle
Stephen, my husband waiting for me at the Huppah
After Stephen removed the covered veil
Our friends and family shedding a few tears as the ceremony begins
Stephen reading me his vows . . . a few tears had by him as he read them
Kissing of the bride and groom the newlyweds . . .
A moment alone on the beach after the ceremony
Me and my gorgeous bridesmaids, recognise any of them?
Stephen and his grooms men
Our first dance, "Time of My Life" from the motion picture "Dirty Dancing"
Dancing the Jewish traditional Hora dance
Fireworks and our theme song "Tonights gonna be a good night"
We had so much fun, and really such a beautiful experience, we decided that in ten years time we'll have a renewal of our vows . . . something to look forward too I guess
We had a HK Wedding Reception too for all our friends who werent at the Phuket ceremony and wanted to celebrate with us. That will come in my next blog . . .
Tis all for now, Mwahhhs xox
Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!