taken by
Berton Chang
Its been a while I know . . .
However apart from a couple of stays in the hospital getting my health in order I've been planning on big changes . . .
As you know from my last couple of blogs some changes are being made, the first big one is my career change, the second one is I'm finally getting married and I'm super happy bout it!
So Minding Manners, will start up again for kids and will begin running in January 2010. At the moment I'm studying for my Montessori and restructuring the courses for the children. If you didnt catch it before, here is a blog about Minding Manners:August to Remember
I'll update more information pretty soon . . . here is a pic of me and my man Stephen . . . on a Pre-Wedding Celebration taken place early June at VERO Lounge:
More blog to come soon.
MissyK* signing off for now XXX
Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!