Ifat Kafry
艺术总监, 模特儿
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As Time Goes By . . .

Yes oh yes, I do know I have been outta the loop for a while, but I have a good excuse . . .

I'M GETTING MARRIED!!! Two weeks from now, at sunset on a lovely Sunday, at the shore in Phuket, vows will be exchanged. . .So, I have rather been busy in arranging and organizing and putting together, my dream wedding. In saying that, we also have another Wedding Party back in HK "Hong Kong Wedding Reception" to celebrate with the friends and family that couldnt make it to Phuket. . . No doubt, some fellow Alivenotdead artists will be present!

Apart from that, I have also been traveling the world the last couple of months, then buying a new home and I just simply had not had the time to breathe . . . but soon I will be able to return to my normal self :)

As a career change, recently, my energy and efforts are towards bettering the world and society. Also at times I come and consult for different companies on a PR prospective. Social Responsibilityhas really become a huge part of my world, everything and I mean EVERYTHING at our home is thought out as much as possible. All our bottles are recycled, plugs pulled out of wall sockets, when shampooing hair in the shower we turn off the water . . . I think if at least we change our habbits slightly perhaps it may change the ripple effects of things. You can find more information on how you can make a change in your own home here: Kowloon Residents or Hong Kong Residents

That being said, i reckon awareness is the key. Being aware of your surroundings, and of your effect on things around you, people around you. When you are truely aware, the rest . . . just seems to be so much clearer.

Also, I wanted to let you all know of a fairly new fellow AnD'r . . . OXANA, the amazing Indian Classical Dancer, she happens to be a good friend, my neighbour and a lovely lovely girl. Please pay her a visit here: OXANA on AlivenotDead

Signing off MissyK* xx

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Thanks for the update. Glad you have so much good news to share.
15 年多 ago


Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!


Hong Kong
September 28, 2007