Ifat Kafry
Art Director , Model
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MissyK* on a Come Back?

Well yes and no. . .

My back in actual fact is going to be in a brace for the next couple of months .  .  . yup! OUCH! to say the least. . .

I know I haven't blogged much lately, but so much has been going on from teaching manners and then being the Director of Public Relations for brands such as Fi Hi has me busy on a world wide spinn!

I'll be posting more thorough updates real soon, Fi Hi is on a world tour, I've got us sponsoring XGames and even the Grammys .  .  . yeah and BET as well! We've hung out with the Hiltons, Ice Cube and even Gene Simmons oh and the one and only DJ KOOL HERC! its been a good year, just not enough time to update but now since the bed and rest is what the doctor ordered I'll have more time to do those things.

Then we have another concept hitting the 852 . . . and when we are ready to launch I'll let you all know about it . . . its on wheels and its a real experience to say the least.

Fi Hi will be launching in HK later this year  . . . we are begining the process of entering the HK market so this will be interesting. . .

Other than that, I wish everyone a lovely weekend ahead and filled with oodles of luvy duvyness!

a little pose i call the woop woop . . . whilst rock'n out! All for now, MissyK* signing off XXX 

about 16 years ago 0 likes  7 comments  0 shares
Photo 45002
what happened to your back? nothing to bad I hope.
about 16 years ago
Mariejost 26 dsc00460
Back in a brace? This doesn't sound good. I hope everything is going to be alright.
about 16 years ago
haha ... cute !!!
about 16 years ago
hmm hmm I love me some fi hi!
about 16 years ago


Am reading 'The Answer' pick it up, its a great book!

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