My Love Puzzle
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28岁生日的前夜 也就是昨天晚上 突然间很伤心

好想感谢我的父母 他们一直原谅我的任性 从不逼我做什么

我想这需要很大的智慧 和很多很多的爱

他们知道我这月很苦 问要不要邮钱过来 我说不要 我问过自己 怎么能一直这样下去呢?

在别人都更有能力孝敬父母的时候 我却自私的只想着自己的梦想 自己要什么这些 没有更好的关心他们


28了 突然很无力 感觉努力了很久 什么也没有真正的开始

之前有什么了 都是在发呆 浪费时间 都是在错过生活的给予 错过了爱我的人给的爱 错过无数的机会 错过我爱的人

错过该赚的钱 我不知道为什么错过了那么多 痛快的哭了一下


我觉得父亲很坚强的 我从来没看到过父亲哭过一次 即使是眼睛红红的 也没有一滴泪落下

而我偶尔还有这么脆弱的时候 现在应该是考虑把父亲的重担接过来的时候了

我对未来有种巨大的恐惧 因为做股票的人从来没有真正的安全感 我自小的时候就没有安全感

还记得小时候妈妈去党校学习 我每天哭 觉得妈妈不要我了 爸爸根本就一直是冰冷的对我

所以后来对妈妈也不是那么亲 因为觉得他们都抛弃过我

我所想做的事业 其实根本都不那么的靠谱 从股票到音乐 所有的人都一直在对我摇头

我又有什么办法呢 这就是我一生的基调了。。。。。。

我失去了什么 又得到过什么 对谁是重要的?

深深的感觉到 其实只有父母不会抛弃你 所以 要好好的对他们了

对音乐 他们只会问最近为什么没排练了 有演出的时候 妈妈就会说想去看啊 我都一直摇头

对股票 爸妈一直都跟我说要注意什么 从不在我得意的时候鼓励我 我开始不喜欢

后来明白了 这是最深的爱 给我当头棒喝 让我知道 什么是真实的生活

他们一直在真实的生活里生活 努力 能给我的虽然不多 却是他们的全部

所以亲爱的爸妈 我现在已经开始知道生活的不易了 我会开始长大 接过你们给予的

我希望 通过我的努力 让你们过得更幸福 更开心

我承认我一直是自私的 我为所有这些过去的事情 忏悔 只想着自己 伤害了那么多人


徒弟在零点发信给我说生日快乐 好感动 然后早上起来收到很多的生日快乐

赵兴 胖胖 莹子 海波 JOJO CAMELLA 狗 爸妈

我明明已经躲在山洞里了 还有你们记得我 我好感动


叫周去陪我吃了一碗牛肉面 很平静 总觉得应该做得更多 实际呢 烟都没有戒掉



不知道这一生驶向何方 想不了那么多了 尽我所能吧 会好的 不要急

28-year-old birthday on the eve of yesterday evening, is suddenly very sad

I want to thank the parents they have never forgive me willfulness forced me to do what

I think this need great wisdom and a lot of love

They know this, I should not bitter Post asked me not from the money I have asked ourselves how this could have on?

Others are more capable parents and all places when I was only thinking about their own selfish dream of what they want these no better care for them


28 is a sudden inability to feel anything for a long time not really start

Before what is in a trance all a waste of time to miss the life I miss the love of people love to miss countless opportunities missed I love the people

Missing the money I do not know why so many missed branched to the cry


I feel very strong father I have never seen his father cry even once red eyes did not immediately fall

Occasionally, I so fragile it is now time to consider the burden of his father to take over the time

I kind in the future because of the fear of huge sums of people have never really a child a sense of security when I no sense of security

Also remember that a child Party School to study my mother cried every day, I do not think my mother is the father has been a cold right I

So Mom was not right because that is so pro - they abandoned me

I wanted to cause the fact is not so evidently shares to music from all the people I have been shaking his head in the right

What I have to be this is the keynote of my life. . . . . .

What I have lost what is important to whom?

Deep parents feel that there are only so you will not abandon their right to a good

Music recently asked why they would not have performed a rehearsal when her mother would say ah, I would like to see have been shaking his head

Parents have both the right stock to pay attention to what I said in my pride, never encouraged me when I began to dislike

Later that this is the deepest love I timely warning to let me know what is real life

They have been living a real life to give my Although they are not all

So, dear parents, I now know that life has begun the difficult start, I will give you grow up to take over the

I hope that through my efforts will have been more happy greater happiness

I admit that I have been selfish for me all these things past their confessions just hurt so many people


Apprentice 0.1 in writing, I said happy birthday to a good morning and then moved up received a lot of happy birthday

Zhao Xingyu Ying-kuei Hyperion Symbol CAMELLA dogs parents

I obviously already hiding in a cave you are good, I remember when I moved


I called Zhou strained eat a bowl of beef noodle soup is very calm feel that it should do more practical not quit smoking



Do not know where to sail and not so much the best I can afford it will be good

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Nobody Knows You And Me. And love ...


english, mandarin
Beijing, China
May 15, 2007