Navin Khianey
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Vote for me. Help me Win!

Friends, a photo of mine has been chosen as a finalist in Stuff Magazine's Smartphone photography contest and it is now open for public voting. If you think it deserves to win, I would highly appreciate you clicking on the link and proceeding to vote for my pic (by clicking on the little heart under my photo).

AFTER VOING, please share this link and get your friends in on it too ... and use the hashtag #HuaweixStuffAwards cause all voters stand to win Huawei phones and other goodies.

almost 8 years ago 25 likes  0 comment  7 shares


Hi there. I’m Navin, a photographer based in Dubai, UAE & Hong Kong.

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Member Since
March 15, 2016
Location (City, Country)
Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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