Official Artist
Nicholas Beckwith
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Being from New Zealand where same sex marriage has been legal since August 2013, and after living in Australia and working and living as a performer for the past 7 years, I have always felt comfortable and supported for any choice that I wanted to make by my friends, my family and my community in all parts of my life.

Over the past week I haven't seen any negative social media post from any people I know and I have seen an overwhelming support for the latest news in America.

I am now currently living in my second country in Asia and recently found out how against Marriage equality a lot of Asian countries are.

I personally believe that everyone is entitled to their own perspective and I respect that these countries and people have their own beliefs.

But I struggle to understand how beliefs of a person can withhold another persons's happiness and devalue their choices for their life.

I am not a strong gay activist, but I am a strong equal rights believer. I hope that one day that every person on this earth, no matter what their background and personal choices, will feel accepted for who they are and I hope I am alive to see this future.

over 9 years ago 152 likes  0 comment  1 share



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June 16, 2015
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Hong Kong, Hong Kong
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