演员, 歌手
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MISSING FRIEND!!!!!|遺失了朋友!!!!!|遗失了朋友!!!!!| 行方不明の友達

Nothing beats getting off work and coming back home with warm welcomes.People say dogs are "man's best friend" is not that i disagree with that saying,it's just that i'm allergic to them----sigh----but i do love dogs. Anyways,I chose turtles as my homes best friend instead,i have 11 of them, a few different rare species and i'm telling you,i think turtles are just as smart,loyal,and cute as dogs.Every time i come home from work,no matter what time it is,most of them would cuddle around me in a semi-circle formation and just look at me as if they are asking if i'm tired........fine u may think i'm nuts........until a few months ago, my favorite turtle/tortoise 8 years old weighing around 100 pounds was borrowed for a reptile exibition in Hong KONG,and was STOLEN---------speechless for sometime i was, even until now when i see apples lettuce or just people eating salad reminds me of her......to whom or whatever (!^$#head) that would do such a thing and have no guts to show them self she likes beans the most feed her well and she may live for 200 years.

| 沒什麽比結束工作回到家受到溫暖的歡迎更開心的了。人們說狗是”人類最好的朋友”,我不是不同意,只是我會過敏---唉---但我真的愛狗。所以我選擇了烏龜做我最好的朋友,我養了11只,其中幾只是稀有品種。我跟你說,我覺得烏龜跟狗一樣聰明、忠誠和可愛。每次當我結束工作回到家,無論幾點鐘,烏龜們都會在我身邊圍成一個半圓擁抱我,看著我,好象在問是不是累了……好了,你會以為我在胡說……直到幾個月前,我最喜歡的那只體重100磅的8歲海龜/烏龜被香港一個爬蟲展借去,被偷走了------好一陣子我都說不出話來,直到現在我只要看到蘋果萵筍甚至別人吃沙拉都會想起她……告訴那位做壞事又沒膽現身的家夥(!^$#腦袋),她最喜歡吃豆子,好好養她,她應該能活到200歲。



|仕事を終えて家にもどってきた時の、暖かい出迎えほど心にぐっとくるものはない。犬は「人間の最良の友」と人は言うけれどボクの意見は違う。というのは単に犬アレルギーだから・・・(ため息)でも犬は大好きだよ。それで、代わりに家の中の親友として「カメ」を選んだ。11匹飼っていて、数匹はすごく珍しい種類だ。言っておくけどカメは犬と同じくらい賢くて忠誠心があって可愛いと思ってる。仕事から戻ると必ず、どんな時間であろうと、やつらのほとんどがボクの周りに半円形の編隊を組んですりよってくる。まるで「疲れたの?」とでも言いたげなまなざしでボクを見る・・・ボクの頭がおかしいって君らが思ってもいいけどさ・・・・数か月前、お気に入りのカメ(8歳で100ポンド)を香港の「爬虫(はちゅう)類展」に貸し出して・・・「盗まれた」! しばらく言葉もなくて、今でも(彼女が好きだった)アップル レタスを見たり、人がサラダを食べてるのを見るだけで彼女(盗まれたカメ)を思い出すんだ・・・こんなひどいことをして、顔を見せる勇気もない誰かさんへ。

彼女の一番の好物は豆。 ちゃんとエサをあげれば200年は生きるんだよ。

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  379 评论s  0 shares
Palwong 45 palwong
呀!諗翻起,上次見這 Lady 係你帶她 (牠) 出席你同達明的演唱會。hahaha
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 49253
噢~~ 看的人心里又感动又难过~~
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 55108
what sort of wanker steals a turtle from exhibitions?
接近 16 年 ago
she was huge! I remember trying to pick her up and failing... :) good memories, good times
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 33405
she may not be the softest headrest, but she looks like the most adorable one! can't believe someone took her though... =(
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 40915
turtles rock!
接近 16 年 ago
45862083 0af2fd4d5d
c0cks! hopefully she'll out live them all! the turtle always laughs last...
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 73941
the reptile trade is a minority but the people in the industry are very complicated and "dark"... largely consist of smugglers, gangsters, money suckers etc yes, speechless for everyone, but i can tell you what.. stealing, breaking in, robbing, throwing red paint... are not uncommon well, in here i don't want to give any comment on the reptile exhibition and the animal provider, and how thet treated the animals.... anyway i wish best luck for your nice aldabra. Don't worry much. As long as the tortoise has its value on the market the people won't want it die, at least, from an optimistic view. cheers turtle rules!
接近 16 年 ago
Zhouxiaofei 88 zhouxiaofei
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 122938
其实...我也很想偷.... NIC NIC的女女真的好可爱~~~我爱上她了...从第一次见到她开始... 娶了她,NIC NIC就是岳父了.... 额... 想太多. 偷走女女的家伙,哼哼,好好照顾她,不然偶也不放过你...
接近 16 年 ago
Photo 113157
哈哈哈 真有意思 。 了解了你的这一面。 不知道11只乌龟在一起什么感觉。哈哈哈哈 丢的是这个演唱会上的吗 ? 你居然带她去演唱会 哈哈 太有创意了 。 你搬她起来那张 是让她看提示歌词的屏幕吗?
接近 16 年 ago



Hong Kong
July 7, 2008