Official Artist
Nikola Maricic
Athlete , Sports Coach
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HealthQigong Training at the Jiuhua mountain training base of Chinese Health Qigong Association i did this shorter version of Health Qigong so you can grasp it an do it together with me at your home or come in China or in Macau to learn and practice together . coach Nikola Maricic here does first Liu Zi Jue or six sounds aproach to breathing exercises , then Ba Duan Jin or eight section exercises and finally Wu Qin Xi or five animal exercises. Coach Nikola Maricic is 3 duanwei level of International Health Qigong federation and gold medalist first place winner in Health Qigong Liu Zi Jue men individual competition at 2nd China International Qigong Tournament and Exchange organised by Chinese Health Qigong Association and IHQF

Nikola Maricic 馬司洋教練 Coach Nikola Maricic Qigong Taijiquan Taichi Teach: Health Qigong 国际健身气功 易筋經 五禽戲 六字訣 八段錦 馬王堆導引術 導引養生功十二法 Cui Zhong San Taijiquan 崔仲三太极拳 Qigong,Taichi,Yang Cheng Fu,Yang Lu Chen, Chen, 24, 42, 56 inner smile, 6 sounds of healing, iron shirt, 12 meridian, zhineng, baduanjin, liuzijue... Macau bring home many awards, i won individually gold medal in Liu Zi Jue and bronze in Baduanjin, and with team second place Wu Qin Xi and third place Yi Jin Jing. Macau team also won gold medal with Liu Zi Jue Health Qigong. And many other from Macau where phenomenal. Looking forward to 3rd International Health Qigong Competition and Exchange featured in Macau newspaper in Portugese language https://pontofinalmacau.wordpress.com/2016/08/17/ouro-e-prata-para-macau-em-encontro-de-chi-kung-na-china/ www.facebook.com/nikola.maricic.3914 第二屆中國國際健身氣功交流比賽 集體六字訣一等獎 集體五禽戲及八段錦二等獎 集體易筋經三等獎 個人賽:男子六字訣一等獎馬司洋。 二等獎梁鶴松。三等獎岑樹勛。 女子六字訣:一等獎李鳯嬌。二等獎何妙玲。三等獎何少松。 男子八段錦:二等獎梁鶴松。三等獎馬司洋。 女子八段錦:二等獎何妙玲。廖練歡。蘇美玲。何少松。 女子易筋經:二等獎歐陽艷梅。何雪冰。許兆依。三等獎廖練笑。鍾玉勤。 男子五禽戲:二等獎岑樹勛 女子五禽戲:二等獎歐陽艷梅。李鳯嬌。三等獎許兆依。鍾玉勤。 考段位:三段:廖練歡。廖練笑。馬司洋。begin your journey and training with us Coach Nikola Maricic 馬司洋教練 Qigong Taijiquan Taichi Taekwondo Macau Teach: Health Qigong 国际健身气功 易筋經 五禽戲 六字訣 八段錦 馬王堆導引術 導引養生功十二法 Cui Zhong San Taijiquan 崔仲三太极拳 Qigong,Taichi,Yang Cheng Fu,Yang Lu Chen, Chen, 24, 42, 56 inner smile, 6 sounds of healing, iron shirt, 12

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Macao, China
Member Since
December 11, 2007