运动员, 体育教练
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Master Coach and athlete Nikolas Maricic this year attended 2 events one in Macau on 26 april and one in Hong Kong Qigong Health Day 2014 27. april in response to World Taichi and Qigong Day organised by Nature Health Qigong Association and Heung Yee Kuk New Territories. This year was biger event with many organisations and guests from all over , especialy exercise against cancer groups, and one of the guests was Master Sifu Lee Chang-Chih with his traditional and fun qigong , i also received a gift from him a book and DVD with computerized showing od meridians flow for each exercise in Baduanjin form. Organiser of this event is Master and Doctor Luk Wai Sum and she did amazing job in this event. Once upon a time a wushu and taekwondo coach saw on CNN that first World day will be in 2000., and in 1999. started to prepare for this NOW in 2014. GLOBAL HEALING EVENT ,here you can see one step in that preparation as well athletes using taijiquan to be beter athletes and achive more in sports and life https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrlNhvUkL6U

15 years later Master Coach Nikolas Maricic (wushu, qigong, taichi, taekwondo) from Croatia now in Macau is a NON STOP organiser of this event in Croatia 3 diferent cities and this year in Macau at Nam Van lake. Be ready for april 2015 由馬司洋教練籌辦的世界太極及氣功日,今年第一年在澳門舉行。而他的學生也在同日於克¬羅地亞首都薩格勒布舉行此活動。 同時,馬司洋教練亦應邀於4月27日前往香港,參加2014全港氣功健康日的活動。作¬為表演嘉賓,馬司洋教練在台上與成千的参加者同為這特别的活動一齊演練。 2014香港太極氣功日


尼古拉斯教练从小热爱中国武术,自1985 年开始学习太极、太极拳及气功。凭着他对中国武术过人的悟性及刻苦的训练,于1992 年在克罗地亚当上太极教练,任教于当地各社区及大学,学生中有年仅四岁的幼童,更有八¬十高龄的老翁。他曾参与多个国家及地区的国际性比赛,赢得无数奖项。并多次接受当地及¬外地电台、电视台及报纸杂志等多个媒体的采访。在他积极推广和不懈的努力下,2003¬年克罗地亚成为国际武术联会的成员国。 2013年更获得克罗地亚总统接见,感谢他对武术的推广及支持他的组织。尼古拉斯教练¬现移居澳门,继续拓展他的教练工作,而他的学生亦继续在克罗地亚传承他的工作。 首先出场的是孔院师生联袂表演的太极拳,其中的当地学生尼古拉斯曾经获得欧洲锦标赛武¬术冠军,对中国的武术和传统文化有着浓厚的兴趣。他们的表演风格飘逸,辗转腾挪,给现¬场观众留下深刻印象。

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artist, actor, and coach for artists


Macao, China
December 11, 2007