Official Artist
Nikola Maricic
Athlete , Sports Coach
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our own inner being is waiting us to connect with it we are searching elswhere while has ever been there we are resposnible only for our own lives, we can poit the way to others even help them to heal but it is up to them to do it one video i would like to share so others you love can do it (or not is up to them not you) is here , and i will in this status share one or two more if you follow so this videos are to be followed as training , not watching. actualy i never grasp the idea of just watching a training , i train or not so here is for you , you can share but beter to do it and while doing it remove all that is not good for you to all that is great to you, you are not guilty you are just repsonsible , do it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRAuzeVEwns

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artist, actor, and coach for artists

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Macao, China
Member Since
December 11, 2007