作曲家, 音乐家, 歌手
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Number.南伯儿 因梦想而勇敢。。。

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5ddRVK7AkiQ

12 年多 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

Get involve with Yume Jewerly radio advestiment One FM Malaysia

Today gona play 72 times @ One FM Malaysia

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CPlQ8QHH0nY

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  暂无评论  0 shares

im back!!!

大约 13 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

FARIDA Guitars Ambassador 2010


它就是 Farida Guitars Model M-26 VSB (Vintage Sunburst)





接下来会和它一起作出好歌给大家! 这里要特别感谢 The Guitar Store 老板 Mr Low, Mr Kuah & TGS's staff, Kang especially。Hello to all my frens in A n D!!!!It has been a long long time i din update myself, my music, my life with u all in here...So sorry...Anyway, im BACK!!!Tis time i became the Ambassador!So i got a new baby ---> Farida Guitars Model M-2...Read more

接近 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

Happy New Year to all my frens & fans in AnD!!

日与夜交替着上下班 一眨眼一年就这么过去了~过去几年的跨年无论是在吉隆坡,台北,北京,新加坡与朋友一起倒数画面依然清晰~这个跨年我在马来西亚,陪伴在妈身边观看跨年烟火 南伯儿 Number 在这里祝 AnD 的朋有, 心想事成,万事如意!再忙也要注意饮食作息,身体健康排 Number One! 

大约 15 年 前 0 赞s  3 评论s  0 shares

The Blossom of Sakura Seven

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfUvokkBjYUSakura Seven 不只是个 刺青不只是个 艺术Sakura Seven拥有一种 力量延续一种 精神让她绽放 生命1st Mar 09她给我这样一个非常有意义的构思,说她希望去拥有它。不怎么忙的我立刻提笔尝试画出一棵她要的树。画完用手机拍下来传送给她看。这就是她要的。接下来的我们慢慢的让它变得更完善,并且希望有天实现它。一个构思,一个设计只差一个行动。2nd Sept 09一切就绪6pm 下针, 11:30pm 完毕 之间有小休几下,喝水啦,上厕所啦!噢,还有其他顾客来补刺青.Total tattooed time 大概是4个小时左右刺青让她流血,没让她掉眼泪~只能在旁“用心”陪伴的我,眼看着那针,那血...听着那机器的声音,都心疼到泪在眼眶打转~她很强啊~樱花诞生绽放!Mission accomplished! Her eyes are closedFists are clenchedAnd s...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  5 评论s  0 shares

A try out for the Search for a co host for Fun Taiwan hehe

Dear all my friends in A & D, It had been long time tat i didn't update my blog in here... Cant believe tat i had done lot of amazing things for the past few months! Until i got no time to write n share with u all in here...Really feels bad about itIs it time fly too fast or im too slow? Anyway, here is the latest NUMBER! I know my English is sucks. I considered for several times before i do it. But yes!!!  i did it finally!!!! It feels like. wow!! How dare i expose my weaknesses to the world...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

”小“女人 / Little Women?

Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zM6Sei1zs8地点: Kepong 孙家位置: Jun's bedroom. Sing & play on her bed.时间: 晚上人物: 镜头里面是 我 & Kelly, 镜头后面,旁边是孙妈妈,Jun, Vanese & Ah lin人物状态: 大家都换上睡衣,随时可以准备睡觉.故事是这样的。在孙家的要求下,小妹不好意思就借ah lin(民歌歌手!Pro 哦!演唱经验 5年左右)的吉他在大家面前秀丑了!谁知Jun随手就拿起相机录下来。可爱的Kelly 不好意思跟我说话,却一直在我背后抢镜。哈哈!那天Jun烤给我之后还没真正的去看。今天看了又看,还真的是一个美好的回忆!所以决定把它放上来和大家分享啦!p/s 原谅我没有专业的在sing & play haha因为她们的表情很好笑,也在笑自己自恋的歌词。哈哈!小女人(我-个子矮小)送给你们!Ve...Read more

15 年多 前 0 赞s  6 评论s  0 shares

南伯儿 Number 回音谷 MV

Another DIY MV by Number.  We shoot it few days before Chinese New Year. Quite rush actually. Everybody got their own thing to busy with. I cant even help my family with the Chinese New Year preparation jz fully concentrate on the story lines, clothes, where to get the views, toys bla bla bla.. everything.. and the very last thing was we need to pray for a sunny day, not to say sunny day, a day which stop to rain. lots of places flooded during tat period. fainted..i pray everday    And finally we ...Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  7 评论s  0 shares

Nice Foods, Great gathering! Thanks to Chris & Chef Savvy

It was Will. C 's farewell actually. Invited by Chris about 1 week b4. I was so excited for the Gathering dinner. Heard tat got nice food and can meet AnD new frens n fans. Sound cool~Dinner at  6am. I got out at 430pm.. Bring along my "ah yue-阿月" new guitar. Cz Chris told me tat Reina gona love tat. Read more

接近 16 年 前 0 赞s  12 评论s  0 shares


Life is ROCKS!!!!!!


english, cantonese, mandarin, malay, hokkien
February 12, 2009