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伯儿 南
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FARIDA Guitars Ambassador 2010


它就是 Farida Guitars Model M-26 VSB (Vintage Sunburst)





接下来会和它一起作出好歌给大家! 这里要特别感谢 The Guitar Store 老板 Mr Low, Mr Kuah & TGS's staff, Kang especially。Hello to all my frens in A n D!!!!It has been a long long time i din update myself, my music, my life with u all in here...So sorry...Anyway, im BACK!!!Tis time i became the Ambassador!So i got a new baby ---> Farida Guitars Model M-26 VSB (Vintage Sunburst).I was looking for a smaller acoustic guitar for few yrs already jz tat havent found one tat really suit my taste. Well, tis opportunity gave me the chance to make one of my dreams come true. haha.Finally got it to join me in my dream journey~ Really love the outlook & sound.so i hope tat we can come out with more n more new songs to share with u all! Specially thanks to The Guitar Store bosses, Mr Low, Mr Kuah & TGS's staff, Kang especially。Here are the link of:* Farida http://www.faridaguitars.com/* The Guitar Storehttp://www.theguitarstore.com.my/* Number, Farida & The Guitar Storehttp://www.theguitarstore.com.my/index.php?m=endorsee:endorsee=32[![](/attachments/2010/04/21/10/393893_201004211028311.thumb.jpg)](/batch.download.php?aid=7008562)[](/batch.download.php?aid=7008562)Mr Low, Farida Guitars Model M-26 VSB (Vintage Sunburst) & me ; P

almost 15 years ago 0 likes  3 comments  0 shares
Nice to see you back! Congratulations on the endorsement! Where is the Guitar Store? They would appreciate you telling people ;P You should put a link to Farida Guitars: http://www.faridaguitars.com/ Can't wait to see and hear you with the new guitar! Faridas are really nice and sound fantastic!
almost 15 years ago


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